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Aren't you glad you subscribed, Stephen?" "Of course I'm glad. I don't give money unless I want to." "You are very good about it, Stephen very. I was wondering whether" Peter Knott looked up at Ringsmith "you'd feel like giving me another little cheque. You know these ambulances break down dreadfully fast. Fresh ones are always wanted, and with the new campaign "

When was it two or three years ago?" "Certainly I do, Mr. Ringsmith." "Can you say off-hand what we made on that deal?" "No," replied MacTavish cautiously, "but I do remember what we gave for it, and what we sold it for. There were a lot of expenses on that deal." There was a cunning look in MacTavish's eyes as he added the last words. "Um, yes what were the figures?"

Stillwell was quite astonished; she had not expected nearly so much. MacTavish lost no time; he handed her a cheque, and in a few moments took his departure. Some weeks passed. Ringsmith again occupied the deep leather chair, and Peter Knott was announced. "Good afternoon, Stephen; thought I'd look in for a moment. No, thanks." This in answer to Ringsmith's offer of tea. "Mrs.

MacTavish lost no time in calling at Mrs. Stillwell's house. She was out, but had left a note for the gentleman from Mr. Ringsmith's, asking him to look at the pictures, and expressing her regret that she could not show them to him herself. She was quite unable, she said, to decide upon a price, which she left entirely to Mr. Ringsmith. A few days later Mrs.

"Pictures have no value, madam; they are worth just what they can be sold for, neither more nor less." "Oh, indeed! Yes." "Mr. Ringsmith has decided to give you what I think may be considered in the circumstances a very handsome price for the three pictures. He has told me that I may offer you L5,000." "Oh, I'm sure that's very kind indeed of Mr. Ringsmith." Mrs.

I'm sure you'll treat her better than any one else." Ringsmith moved uneasily. "Why don't you tell her to go to some one else first? I like people to fix their price before they come to me, then I can take it or leave it. They've got such fantastic ideas about the value of things." "Oh, very well, if you prefer. I thought you'd be pleased I came to you, but of course "

Peter made a slight waving motion with his hand, dismissing the subject, and began talking of other things. A quarter of an hour later he rose to go. He said good-bye, and was just leaving the room when Ringsmith called him back. "About those pictures I should like to oblige you, Peter." "Yes?" "Where can they be seen?"