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Collateral Readings: "The Lustig's" and "Corinna's Fiametta," Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer in "One Man who was Content and Other Stories." Mary Hinman Abel, published by American Public Health Association, Rochester, N.Y. "Foods: Nutritive Value and Cost," by W. O. Atwater in Farmer's Bulletin No. 23 of United States Department of Agriculture.

I think I have already mentioned that I wrote you from Kinderhook, and also this week by Colonel Lewis, enclosed to our friend at Sharon. An engagement of business to-day and this evening with Yates, prevents me preparing for Carlos as I expected. The lady of the Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer The sons of Mrs. Prevost, Frederick and John B. The latter was Judge Prevost, of Louisiana. Mrs.

"How awfully weird!" said Baby Van Rensselaer. "And why did the ghost go away?" "I haven't said it went away," answered Uncle Larry, with much dignity. "But you said it used to haunt the little old house at Salem, so I supposed it had moved. Didn't it?" the young lady asked. "You shall be told in due time.

A still better example of this American way of dealing with legend and mystery is the marvelous tale of the rival ghosts." "The rival ghosts!" queried the Duchess and Baby Van Rensselaer together. "Who were they?" "Didn't I ever tell you about them?" answered Uncle Larry, a gleam of approaching joy flashing from his eye.

and Dermott the jaunty, the extremely elegant, in black riding-clothes, with the jewelled crop of North Carolina days, stood in the afternoon sunlight at the head of the great stairs. "Ah, Ravenel," he cried, "I have been staying at the Crosbys', and heard but last night from Miss Dulany that you were here! I accepted the invitation Van Rensselaer hadn't yet given me to ride over and stay awhile.

"On the 30th of March, 1792, the Council of Appointment appointed Benjamin Gilbert to the office of sheriff of the said county, with a commission, in the usual form, to keep the county until the 17th of February next. His commission was delivered to Stephen Van Rensselaer, Esq., on the 13th of April last, to be forwarded by him to the said Benjamin Gilbert.

In spite of these menial services, he was popular in his class and had a number of aristocratic friends, among them Philip Van Rensselaer. He was one of the best scholars in his class, first in mathematics, and so fluent in Greek that to the end of his life he could read it with ease. He did not wait for graduation.

Matters were brought to a crisis by the action of a certain Van Rensselaer, who had been dismissed from the Military Academy at West Point, and who styled himself "Colonel" Van Rensselaer. He organized a party of Americans reckless like himself, and took forcible possession of a small British island opposite to Fort Schlosser, on the American side, and known as Navy Island.

If there were a landlord to each farm, as well as a tenant, universal indifference would prevail as to the griefs of the tenants; and if two to one tenant, universal indignation at their impudence." "Of what particular griefs do the tenants complain?" "You mean the Rensselaer tenants, I suppose?

"The commissioners consider the reasons just before stated in favour of the claims of Van Rensselaer and Dumond to apply to the eleven preceding, and that they are therefore proper charges against this state. "Claims for payment of debts due from persons whose property hath been forfeited or sequestered.