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"This little old house at Salem was haunted," resumed Uncle Larry. "And by a very distinguished ghost or at least by a ghost with very remarkable attributes." "What was he like?" asked Baby Van Rensselaer, with a premonitory shiver of anticipatory delight. "It had a lot of peculiarities. In the first place, it never appeared to the master of the house.

The troubles which arose in certain counties of New York after the death, in 1839, of Stephen Van Rensselaer, the patroon, were now culminating in a series of acts of violence and bloodshed, perpetrated usually by men disguised as Indians. The questions involved had likewise become subjects of fierce political controversy.

Van Rensselaer argues that the time and money spent by young ladies of slender talent in learning to paint pottery would, if given to study of the principles of technique and of the history and aims of art, leave them with more trained perceptions, an intelligent delight in works of art and a wider intellectual range.

There's no telling what will happen to a man when he violates Nature's laws. Night is made for sleep, and the three hours before midnight count for more than all the rest." "And yet, Colonel," remonstrated Van Rensselaer, "by your own admission just now " "You mean my outing with the 'Jewels, I suppose. That, my friend, is the solitary exception that proves the rule.

General Van Rensselaer was so mortified at the conduct of the militia that he tendered his resignation.

Van Rensselaer, whom I have never before seen, has been to introduce himself, and tender his services of every kind. He is of the most respectable and richest inhabitants. Tuesday, 8th December. No place yet; but, that time need not be lost, I have been looking over Rousseau's 4th volume. I imagine gathered thence his sentiments on the subject of jealousy.

Had he obeyed the friendly warning of the family ghost, the letter would have been spared a journey across the Atlantic." "Did the ghost leave Scotland for America as soon as the old baron died?" asked Baby Van Rensselaer, with much interest. "How did he come over," queried Dear Jones "in the steerage, or as a cabin passenger?"

To give force to this scene, and to throw around what follows its true interest, it will be necessary to go back and sketch some things in the history of the individual here introduced. His name was Theodore Wilmer. In earlier years, he was clerk in the large mercantile house of Rensselaer, Wykoff & Co., in New York.

He had had his glimpse of Paradise. Oh, never, never would life be the same for him! He began to study the reasons for his ill-success.... At ten o'clock that day the President informed the General of the Army in Mr. Dillon's presence that he had sent the name of Hon. Van Rensselaer Vandervelt to the Senate for the position of Chief-Justice!

These are in all respects identical with rocks which have been observed by one of the commissioners in place in Berkshire County, Mass., and in Columbia and Rensselaer counties, N.Y., and the description of geologists at various intervening points, as well as the observations of Captain Talcott's parties, would tend to establish the fact that the formations are continuous.