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At the same time Van Rensselaer was desired to bring down his patent and papers to the new governor and likewise to observe Cartwright's directions.

"I don't think that is so marvelous a thing," said Dear Jones glancing at Baby Van Rensselaer. "Who was she?" asked the Duchess, who had once lived in Philadelphia. "She was Miss Kitty Sutton, of San Francisco, and she was a daughter of old Judge Sutton, of the firm of Pixley and Sutton." "A very respectable family," assented the Duchess.

Owing to the incapacity of the commanders, Van Rensselaer and Smythe, six thousand American troops were held in check, and smaller bodies of them defeated, by one thousand British. The military authorities in the centre waited for the reduction of western Canada before attempting to advance northward to Montreal. The campaign of 1813 was little more fortunate.

I am congratulated by all in having made an excellent purchase, and I find a most delightful neighborhood. Within a few miles around, approached by excellent roads, are Mr. Lenox, General Talmadge, Philip Van Rensselaer, etc., on one side; on the other, Harry Livingston, Mrs. Crosby, Mr. Boorman, etc., etc. There is every faculty for residence good markets, churches, schools.

"You forget the lovely ghost stories about the Rhine, and the Black Forest," interrupted Miss Van Rensselaer, with feminine inconsistency. "I remember the Rhine and the Black Forest and all the other haunts of elves and fairies and hobgoblins; but for good honest spooks there is no place like home.

He walked briskly to the hotel; he found Miss Sutton alone. He asked her the question, and got his answer." "She accepted him, of course," said Baby Van Rensselaer. "Of course," said Uncle Larry. "And while they were in the first flush of joy, swapping confidences and confessions, her brother came into the parlour with an expression of pain on his face and a telegram in his Frisco hand.

Assassination of Perceval, Prime Minister. Execution of assassin. Morse's love for his art. Stephen Van Rensselaer. Leslie the friend and Allston the master. Afternoon tea. The elder Morse well known in Europe. Lord Castlereagh. The Queen's drawing-room. Kemble and Mrs. Siddons. Zachary Macaulay. Warning letter from his parents. War declared. Morse approves.

He died in 1916. Like Argus of the Ancient Time. MARSHALL, EDISON. Born in Rensselaer, Ind. Moved to Medford, Ore., in 1907. Educated at University of Oregon. In newspaper work till 1916. Now writing for the magazines. Unmarried. Chief interests: hunting and fishing. His first story was, "The Sacred Fire," Argosy, April, 1915. Age, twenty-four. Principal ambition is to get to France.

"It is true," said Dear Jones, thoughtfully, "that they do have some things over there better than we do; for instance, umbrellas." "And gowns," added the Duchess. "And antiquities." this was Uncle Larry's contribution. "And we do have some things so much better in America!" protested Baby Van Rensselaer, as yet uncorrupted by any worship of the effete monarchies of despotic Europe.

"The claims of Van Rensselaer and Dumond, the commissioners are of opinion are reasonable; that, having been employed under the governor, the claimants could have no demand against the United States, and that the charges are proper against this state. "Claims for services in assisting H.I. Van Rensselaer and Egbert Dumond in making the said impresses.