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But Reinhard explained to her the next day that Radicalism was the "new note." "You have to be progressive and reform and all that to break into notice," he said.

"She always manages that: she regards him as her property, you know." It would be a "shop party," she expected. "That's all the social imagination these people have: they get us together by groups we're the magazine group. Possibly she'll have Clive Reinhard. He's different, though, because he's made a name for himself, so that all sorts of people run after him." Mrs.

But nowadays men like Jack Bragdon neither steal nor murder nor commit lesser crimes for the sake of Art. Instead he inquired casually, "Where is Reinhard staying? The same place?" and when his brother replied, "He's got an apartment somewhere up town. They'll know at the club he's been very successful," Bragdon merely nodded.

Clive Reinhard turns out one of his sloppy stories every six months, and they are all illustrated." Altogether when they set sail they calculated their resources, if carefully managed, could be made to last three years. Three years of Europe!... Milly had never looked so far ahead in all her life.

In the morning Reinhard reappeared with her brother-in-law. She remembered little of what was done afterwards, in the usual, ordered way, until after the brief service and the journey to the grave she was left alone in their old home. She had wished to be alone.

The following is its text: AQVI IAZO WALTER REINHARD, MORREO AOS 4 DE MAYO, NO ANNO DE 1778. The tomb of John Hessing, hard by, is a still more splendid edifice, being a copy, in red sandstone, of the famous Taj Mahal, and on a pretty extensive scale too, though far smaller than the original.

Instead of listening to their complaints, he reproached their envoys, who were headed by Reinhard of Zurich, in the most violent terms, charged the Swiss with conspiracy, and said that a certain Sydler had ventured to speak against him in the federal diet, etc.; nor could his assumed anger be pacified save by the instant dissolution of the federal diet, by the extension of the levy of Swiss recruits for the service of France, and by the threat of a terrible punishment to all Swiss who ventured to enter the service of England and Spain.

Reinhard tells us that after the coup d'état people believed they had returned to the first days of liberty.

In German asylums Reinhard found that thirty per cent. lost their sight from the same cause. The total number of persons blind from gonorrhoeal infection from their mothers at birth is enormous. Although gonorrhoea is liable to produce many and various calamities, there can be no doubt that the majority of gonorrhoeal persons escape either suffering or inflicting any very serious injury.

"That's why you are so interesting, you represent an almost extinct species, just woman." "I know I'm old-fashioned Hazel always says so. I believe in men doing the voting and all that. Women should not try to be like men their strength is their difference!" "You want just to be Queen?" Reinhard suggested. "Oh," Milly sighed, "I want what every woman wants just to be loved."