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The Carthaginian Dominion in Africa It was probably the reflex influence of these successes abroad, that first led the Carthaginians to change the character of their occupation in Africa from a tenure of hire and sufferance to one of proprietorship and conquest.

For example, we are told that some of the muscular movements involved in the instincts such, for example, as the bird's nest-building are so complex and so finely adjusted to an end, that it is straining belief to suppose that they could have arisen gradually by reflex adaptation alone.

It would seem, therefore, that the statement sometimes made that "voluntary action is reflex action plus the mind" is not far from correct. Mind, however, is the important factor in this kind of action. *Secondary Reflex Action.*—Everyday experience teaches that any voluntary action becomes easier by repetition.

But the activities of Hydra, like those of Amoeba, are reflex and mechanical, that is to say, given similar stimuli and similar physiological states of the animal, the reactions will be the same.

This constitutes reflex action, so called because the impulse sent to the spinal cord by certain sensory nerves is at once reflected or sent back as a motor impulse to the muscles. This reflex action is a most important function of the spinal cord. This power is possessed only by the gray matter of the cord, the white substance being simply a conductor.

But, although the number of Giorgione's extant works has been thus limited by recent criticism, all is not done when the real and the traditional elements in what concerns him have been discriminated; for, in what is connected with a great name, much that is not real is often very stimulating; and, for the aesthetic philosopher, over and above the real Giorgione and his authentic extant works, there remains the Giorgionesque also an influence, a spirit or type in art, active in men so different as those to whom many of his supposed works are really assignable a veritable school, which grew together out of all those fascinating works rightly or wrongly attributed to him; out of many copies from, or variations on him, by unknown or uncertain workmen, whose drawings and designs were, for various reasons, prized as his; out of the immediate impression he made upon his contemporaries, and with which he continued in men's minds; out of many traditions of subject and treatment, which really descend from him to our own time, and by retracing which we fill out the original image; Giorgione thus becoming a sort of impersonation of Venice itself, its projected reflex or ideal, all that was intense or desirable in it thus crystallising about the memory of this wonderful young man.

This is true, not only by the common consent of mankind, but also by the strictest rules of scientific criticism. FADELESS BEAUTY. There cannot be a picture without its bright spots; and the steady contemplation of what is bright in others, has a reflex influence upon the beholder. It reproduces what it reflects. Nay, it seems to leave an impress even upon the countenance.

At the same time his senses are open to every impression from things around him, only they appear to him in a strangely exalted metamorphosis, the reflex of his own mental exaltation either in bliss or torture, while the fancies of a man mingle with the facts thus introduced and modify and are in turn modified by them; whereby out of the chaos arises the mountain of an Earthly Paradise, whose roots are in the depths of hell; and whether the man be with the divine air and the clear rivers and the thousand-hued flowers on the top, or down in the ice-lake with the tears frozen to hard lumps in the hollows of his eyes so that he can no more have even the poor consolation of weeping, is but the turning of a hair, so far at least as his will has to do with it.

Experiment 131. To illustrate reflex action by what is called knee-jerk. Sit on a chair, and cross the right leg over the left one. With the tips of the fingers or the back of a book, strike the right ligamentum patellæ. The right leg will be raised and thrown forward with a jerk, owing to the contraction of the quadriceps muscles.

This is further a reason for leading them into acts of loving service, that love and kindred gracious feelings may gain strength through the reflex influence of the action upon the soul. One word should be spoken on the negative side. Since each recurrence of a feeling strengthens its power, nurture will seek to avoid the conditions which would arouse wrong feelings.