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In his last tour, Yacob reported fifty men in Rany, another village not far from Nazareth, who had adopted the same course, and he met with great encouragement in several other places. Indeed he became so much interested in this work, that he did not wish to return to his school. These tours were made wholly at his own expense, and he was able to support himself by his medical practice.

Rany. me and Beany went up to the church today to see Beanys father ring the town bell, he let us pull it a little, it is prety esy. then we went up at 1 oh clock and at 9 oh clock. June 25. Rany again. most of our scabs has come of. i dident go up to see Mister Watson ring the bell this morning becaus i dident get up in time, it was sunday. Beany he dident neether, but we did tonite.

Mar. 12. rany. i went to church. the minister said it was esy to be good if you tride. i gess ministers dont know much ennyway.

Brite and fair. nothing particular to-day. nobody got licked. old Francis had his hand done up in a sling. he said he had a bile on it. i tell you the fellers were glad. December 22. Warm and rany and spoiled the skating. coodent do anything but think of Crismas. December 23.

May 29. brite and fair. i have to go to pasture 2 times every day. i like to go in the woods but i dont like to have to go. today i found a nest in the barn with 15 hens egs. i gess mother wont say mutch about my hens now. May 30. Rany. Beany has gone to Bideford to see Tom Cleves. i hope Tom will come with him when Beany comes home. i went up to Whacker Chadwicks tonite.

Rany. i went fishing with Potter Gorham. caught 3 roach and 5 hornpowt. we et them for supper. father said i can clean fish most as well as he can. he says he will come home some day erly and go a fishing. Aug. 17. John Gardner has hung up a Grant and Colfax flag. they will be some fun this fall. Aug. 18. brite and fair.

Rany Franky fell out of bed last nite. father said it was my falt. the baby had the crupe. father says something is always the matter. Apr. 14. clowdy but no rane. beany has got a dog, it is black and tan, not 2 dogs but jest 1. his name is Gip and he can fite. Apr. 15. still clowdy. Frank Hanes has got a dog like Beanys. his name is Dime, i bet he can fite.

He had volunteered a peep into his own diary, and made whispered explanations and suggestions. He let Rebecca Mary read some of the entries: "MUNDY, plesent and good. TUSDY, rany and bad. WENSDY, sum plesent and not good enuf to hirt.

Sept. 31, 186- father has got a new pair of hip boots. rany. Sept. 32. No i ment Oct 2. yesterday was Oct 1, and i got it Sept. 31. went down to Henry Youngs tonite and had my hair cut. he put some auful nise smeling oil on and when i got home they all took turns in smeling of my head. Oct. 3. i went to Church. Pile Woods sister played the organ she is going to play all time now.

June 16, 186- Brite and fair. my arm is all rite. June 17. Rany and thunderry. my arm begins to ich a little only i cant scrach it. June 18. still rany. all our arms begin to ich. Annies arm is the wirst. we dident go to church today. That is one good thing. I never knew it to rane before on sunday.