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He had managed to live somehow, and to find food and raiment for his young wife, who, when she considered the lilies of the field, may have envied their shining robes of pure whiteness, so dingy and dark was her own apparel.

Then placing the covered body of the king with that of his queen on that excellent bier decked out so brightly, they caused it to be carried on human shoulders. Hundreds of people began to distribute gems among the crowd on the occasion of the funeral rites of the king. At length some beautiful robes, and white umbrellas and larger yak-tails, were brought for the great ceremony.

His feelings he explained as follows: "O Kama, why sit in Pi-Bast and grow thin here? While young, the service of Astaroth may please thee; but when old, a wretched fate will present itself. They will take thy costly robes from thee, and put a younger woman in the temple; Thou wilt earn, then, a handful of roasted barley by telling fortunes, or by nursing women in childbirth.

Father Ingulph inquired impatiently, as he finished the girding-up of his robes and picked up his staff preparatory to setting forth. After a moment, the young noble began to laugh. "Why, to tell it frankly, methinks it is more temper than distemper.

These two bulls of the Bharata race, attired in handsome robes and decked in excellent ornaments, are a match for a thousand great car-warriors. And even this lady of eyes like lotus-petals and slender waist and sweet smiles is Drupada's daughter, thy wife's Sairindhri, for whose sake, O king, the Kichakas were slain.

I Can't lern whether those Indians trade with white people or Inds. below for the Beeds & copper, which they are So fond of- They are nearly necked, prefuring beeds to anything- Those Beeds they trafick with Indians Still higher up this river for Skins robes &c. &c.

Now I had three good vests, with large robes or gowns over them, to hang down to the feet, and button close to the wrists; and all these lined with furs, to make them sufficiently warm.

I waited there a moment, and then passing Monsieur, whose puffy face was purple with disappointment and rage, went into the dressing-room. "What wonder?" I heard him demand in French. "It was so coarse a theft! But I hoped the catch-dresses would pass it off." I wrapped a flannel cloak over my airy robes, and went out, down the crooked back-stairs into the street.

Not as tall as the women of earth, or quite as well built, but their heads were much smaller than the men's. All men were dressed in flowing robes, the women in much less clothing. They wore tight-fitting garments, like bathing suits of metallic cloth. They were happy and carefree, seemingly without a worry in their lives. Children came romping across the fields beside their parents.

A selected herd should double itself every three years. The skins are very valuable there is no better nonconductor of heat. The centre of the hair is not a hollow cylinder, but a series of air bubbles which do not soak water, and therefore can be used with advantage for life-saving cushions. The skins are splendid also for motor robes, and now invaluable in the air service.