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This maxim, Quod facienti, quod in se est, non denegatur gratia necessaria, appears to me to have eternal truth. Thomas Aquinas, Archbishop Bradwardine and others have hinted that, in regard to this, something comes to pass of which we are not aware. XIV, De Veritate, artic. XI, ad I et alibi.

Quod ni frequens ubique Agricola validas et expeditas cohortes indaginis modo, et, sicubi arctiora erant, partem equitum dimissis equis, simul rariores silvas equitem persultare jussisset, acceptum aliquod vulnus per nimiam fiduciam foret.

The following epitaph, although belonging to a much later period, is not unworthy to have a place here. It is the stone that speaks: -Hospes, quod deico, paullum est. Asta ac pellige.

And Count Baldassarre Castiglione wrote of his death in the following manner: Quod lacerum corpus medica sanaverit arte, Hyppolitum Stygiis et revocarit aquis, Ad Stygias ipse est raptus Epidaurius undas; Sic precium vitæ mors fuit artifici.

They are her dutiful subjects like all the inhabitants of the Netherlands." "It is quite true," said Burghley, after having made some critical remarks upon the military system of the Provinces, "and a very common adage, 'quod tunc tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet, but, nevertheless, this war principally concerns you.

Notandum, quod vterque horum montium potest vocari mons Sinay, eo quod totus circumiacens locus deserti Sin appellatur. Sur desertum inter mare Rubrum, et solitudinem Sinay. Desertum Sur idem Scriptura quod et Cades.

Et tamen dux ille Graeciae nusquam optat ut Aiacis similis habeat decem, sed ut Nestoris, quod si sibi acciderit, non dubitat quin brevi sit Troia peritura. 32 Sed redeo ad me.

T. Where is a thing? C. It is understood. T. Well, but put it in. C. Illud quod. T. Is that right? what is the common phrase? C. is silent. T. Did you ever seeillud quodin that position? is it the phrase? C. is silent. T. It is commonlyid quod,” isn’t it? id quod. C. Oh, I recollect, id quod. T. Well, which is more common, “quod,” orid quod,” when the sentence is the antecedent?

"My friend told me he thought my question admitted of no manner of doubt or debate; that common prudence absolutely required my immediate departure; adding, that if the same good luck had happened to him he would have been already on his journey; 'for, continued he, 'a man who knows the world so well as you, would be inexcusable to give persons such an opportunity of cheating you, who, you must be assured, will be too well inclined; and as for employing a notary, remember that excellent maxim, Ne facias per alium, quod fieri potest per te.

Doubtless on such phenomena of the Season as these the ashes with which the priest sprinkles the heads of the penitents while he murmurs Memento, homo, quod pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris, falls like the Vesuvian dust upon Pompeiian revels, and they are buried beyond sight and hearing, for a time at least.