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What matters it that her skin was not without the rich quality of cream too thick to pour, when her arms fairly dimpled and billowed of this creaminess, and above her rather small ankles her made-to-order red-satin shoes bulged over of it, the low-cut bosom of her red and sequin dress was a terrific expanse of it, her hands small cushions of it, her throat quivery, and her walk a waddle with it.

"Honey told me once" Lulu lowered her voice "that it was the fact that we trembled that we seemed so much women, in spite of being creatures of the air that made him determine to capture us." "Well, there's something about them that weakens you," Chiquita said in a puzzled tone. "It's like a spell. At first I always felt quivery and trembly if I stood near them." "It's power," Julia explained.

So they went on through the orchard together, very silently, for Small Porges was inclined to be indignant, but much more inclined to be hurt. Thus, they had not gone so very far, when he spoke, in a voice that he would have described as quivery.

But sending valentines to yourself in order to win a prize is different from bluffing. So I said, "Nonsense!" and was just hurrying out of the door when she called in a quivery voice: "P-please, may I borrow a sheet of theme paper? Mine's all gone and I can't buy I mean, it's due to-night." "Help yourself," I answered, "there's a heap of it that I carried away from the last German test.

"I was listening to the Black-bird, dear, I never heard him sing quite so beautifully, before." "But black-birds don't make people cry, an' I know you've been crying 'cause you sound all quivery, you know." "Do I, Georgy?" "Yes, is it 'cause you feel lonely?" "Yes dear." "You've cried an awful lot, lately, Auntie Anthea." "Have I, dear?" "Yes, an' it worries me, you know."

As for the puddings I don't mean the common bread-and-butter kind, but the ones that have whites of eggs and fruit, and pretty quivery jellies all ruby and amber lights, you know." "You dear little piece of domesticity," laughed Billy. "Then why in the world don't you do these things?" "I can't, in my own kitchen; I can't afford a kitchen to do them in.

I'd allus heard 'at he was a rip-snortin' screamer, an' here he was talkin' low an' level like, as if he was conversin' about the weather; but when I looked into Monody's face an' saw it gray an' quivery, I knew 'at Brophy wasn't no bluffer, whether he yelled or whether he whispered. I moved about an inch 'cause my leg was strainin', an' three guns dropped on me. "Don't try nothin'," sez Brophy.

She had more education than most, and had been taught better manners and brought up with more style. "Mr. Mobley requested me to say," she said, her voice low and quivery, bowing to all of us in a very polite and elegant way, "that he has something of importance to say to you, Mr. Buckner." "I'm greatly obliged to you, Miss Flora," said he. "Let me go to him with you. Good evening, Rowena.

I'd never heard Jerry's voice at all like that before. I don't know whether Greg really thought it was Simpson, but he took it and sighed a long, quivery sort of sigh, the way very little children do when they're asleep sometimes. Then there was no sound at all but the different horrid noises that the Monster made.

Outside the sun gleamed and beat on the melting snow, which sent back quivery vibrations that smote the eyeballs like fire. The cattle shook the water from their sun-dazzled eyes, and turned their heads away from it, but it climbed steadily higher until it stood right over them, and blazing down upon the snowy world, defied old man Winter to his face.