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The "Return to Nature," or to be less question-begging let us say the taking up of a new standpoint in regard to nature, made half unconsciously by men like Cowper and Crabbe, assisted without intending it by men like Burns and Blake, effected in intention if not in full achievement by feeble but lucky pioneers like Bowles, asserts itself once for all in the Lyrical Ballads, and then works itself out in different in almost all possibly different ways through the varying administration of the same spirit by Wordsworth and Coleridge, Shelley and Keats, in the highest and primary rank, by Scott and Byron in the next, by Southey, Campbell, Leigh Hunt, Moore, and others in the third.

He had come to warn Mr. Waddington that scandal was beginning to attach itself to his acquaintance he was going to say "relations," but remembered just in time that "relations" was a question-begging word to his acquaintance with a certain lady. To which Mr. Waddington replied, haughtily, that he had a perfect right to choose his er acquaintance.

I've such confidence in your fairness of mind that I should be greatly disappointed if I were to find it wanting." "I really almost believe you're amusing yourself at my expense," the young man cried. "My fairness of mind? Of all the question-begging terms!" he laughed. "The only thing for one's mind to be fair to is the thing one FEELS!" She rose to her feet and looked at him hard.

Fiske's use of the word "Theism," seeing he appears to regard the essential meaning of this word to be that of a postulation of merely Causal Agency, I answer, More of this anon; but meanwhile let it be observed that any charge of question-begging lies rather at the door of Mr.

An unpardonable instance of question-begging lies in the following introduction, once given by a debater who was attacking the proposition, "Resolved, That the federal government should own and operate the railroads in the United States":

The attempts to rehabilitate Faith in the form of the Individualist's LAISSEZ FAIRE never won upon me. I disliked Herbert Spencer all my life until I read his autobiography, and then I laughed a little and loved him. I remember as early as the City Merchants' days how Britten and I scoffed at that pompous question-begging word "Evolution," having, so to speak, found it out.

It was not fair to him to pretend that the atmosphere was a liberal and inquiring one, when the young man who had sat still and dormant by the table was in reality a keen and bitter Irish Roman Catholic. Then the question, a question-begging question, was put quite suddenly, without preparation or prelude, by surprise.

The comparison is not fair, but it suggests the central fact that the humour of Irish literature is deficient in depth, in intellectual quality, or, to put it after an Irish fashion, in gravity. 'Humorous' is a word as question-begging as 'artistic, and he would be a rash man who should try to define either.

This is the burden of Jeremy Bentham's quarrel with "question-begging appellatives."

To be sure, the "herd" is a scornful, rhetorical expression, what Bentham would have called a "question-begging epithet," for men do not, properly speaking, live in herds; but they do normally live in human societies of some sort, and they have the instincts and impulses which fit them to do so.