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This was as Kitty and Mr. Arbuton sat waiting in Mrs. Ellison's parlor for the delinquent colonel, who had just stepped round to the Hôtel St. Louis and was to be back presently. But the moment of his return passed; a quarter-hour of grace; a half-hour of grim magnanimity, and still no colonel. Mrs.

That the girl should favor the strong over the weak was something he could not understand a blemish that even her beauty did not excuse. A quarter-hour passed. The sun rose from the lap of the prairie and scattered the frost-crystals as though they had been mist. The chase was near its end. All moved more slowly.

But no, my uneasy spirit kept dragging me back at quarter-hour intervals; and always I saw Backus drinking his wine fairly and squarely, and the others throwing theirs away. It was the painfullest night I ever spent. The only hope I had was that we might reach our anchorage with speed that would break up the game. I helped the ship along all I could with my prayers.

Stern, keenly attentive to the engine, advanced the spark another notch, and now the needle crept to 102 1/2. "We'll be across before we know it," thought he. "At this rate, I shouldn't be surprised to sight land any minute now." A quarter-hour more the Pauillac swooped along, cradling in her swift flight to westward. But all at once the man started violently.

And speaking of the striking part, you may like to know that the hour bell weighed thirteen tons and the four quarter-hour bells eight tons." "Isn't it the biggest clock ever made?" "It is probably one of the most powerful and most accurate of the large ones," nodded McPhearson, "although others are to be found with bigger dials.

This was carefully done, but there was no scum now. "We left the other sixty minutes, Tom," said Uncle Richard; "this time we'll leave it thirty minutes. Come along; time for two quarter-hour grinds at the speculum."

But the poison-tipped arrow Dalgard now handled, with confidence in its complete efficiency, paralyzed within moments and killed in a quarter-hour one of the scaled monstrosities. "Lair " Dalgard did not need that warning thought from his companion. There was no mistaking that sickly sweet stench born of decaying animal matter, which was the betraying effluvium of a snake-devil's lair.

Hardly any one passing in the whole street; perhaps, from end to end, a mason, white with plaster, a sergeant-de-ville, a child carrying home a four-pound loaf larger than himself, or a young girl hurrying on in hat and cloak, with a leather bag on her arm; and every quarter-hour the half-empty omnibus coming back to its place of departure with the heavy trot of its tired horses.

Our minds, strenuously awake, found a common conclusion in the very nature of the case. Both doubtless had considered and rejected the idea of telegraphing Pendleton to wait for us at the Junction. No king upon his throne was more absolute than Avery Pendleton, and to ask him to waste a single quarter-hour of his time might give great offense to him whom we desired to find serene and complaisant.

The watchers in the house unless they be all dead or deaf have heard our hammering this quarter-hour agone; instantly they will have signalled to the town; and unless we be the livelier in our departure, we are like to be taken, both of us, by a fresh foe." "Hawksley is in the right," added the lord. "How please ye, sir? Whither shall we march?"