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And yet to one side and the other in fact save right in its ominous path, one could see the sunlight on water and on land. Then came the rain, and the wind, and with them incessant flashings, incessant bellowings, wild protests of the outraged God of storms. Trees bent and groaned. Flowers, torn from their tender stalks, lay prostrate in puling puddles.

But, to tell the truth, I began to scent that I was getting into that sort of style which Longinus and Dionysius Halicarnassus fitly call "the affected." August 22, 1800. Dear Manning, You need not imagine any apology necessary. You just nicked my palate; for, with all due decorum and leave may it be spoken, my worship hath taken physic to-day, and being low and puling, requireth to be pampered.

It has arisen self-evolved, by chance; and if a god created it, he laid down eternal laws and has left them to govern its course without mercy or grace, and without troubling himself about the puling of men who creep about on the face of the earth like the ants on that of a pumpkin. And well for us that it should be so!

The vicomte stopped before his door. "Yes, it is a wonderful country. It is not France; it is better than the mother country. Ambition has a finer aim; charity is without speculation; and a man must be a man here, else he can not exist." "That is an illusion," replied the vicomte. "Only the women have what you call a finer ambition. The men are puling as in France.

We're going back where I don't have to sit around like a puling fool and watch Thornton chuck you under the chin we're going where he'll want a tombstone if he ever shows his face there. You thought the game would hold me to the last jackpot did you? Well, I've got enough and there's no game big enough to make me stand for this. That looks like love doesn't it?"

'What is this boy to you? 'He is Owen, the caitiff son of a brave father, who gave him to my care to train in knightly ways. But 'tis a puling fool, more fitting for the bowers of ladies. 'Nay, king, he lies! said the lad who kneeled before the king. 'I am his nephew. His hand slew my dear father treacherously, and he hath starved my mother to her death.

There has been no weak-kneed, puling greedy mob bellowing for pap from the breasts of a state treasury demanding the rewards of industry and thrift which they have been too weak and shiftless and useless to earn. But Canada is at the parting of the ways.

I speak only the truth, mam, as well you know." "Four!" cried the Duchess, with a gurgle of youthful laughter. "Oh, Jack! Jack! I protest, as you sit there you are growing more youthful every minute." "Gad so, mam! then I'll go before I become a mewling infant I say a puling brat, mam." "Stay a moment, Jack. I want you to explain your wishes to Mr. Beverley in regard to Cleone's future."

"Why, the difference lies here. You know, by manipulation and blowing it, that you have a nose; but you don't wipe the retina at the back of your eye when you are weeping for love only the outside, where the puling tears are. In short, you know you have a nose, but you don't know you have a retina. D'ye catch me, my small Stagyrite, my petit Peripatetic, my comical Academician, eh?

War was its business, bravery its duty, and cowardice its greatest crime above all, that ultimate, puling cowardice of accepting life empty for its own barren sake.