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All that can be done here is to call attention to some of his most striking qualities. Foremost, of course, is the temper of the man. From the beginning he was sure of himself and sure of his mission; he had his purpose plain and clear. There is no mental development, hardly, visible in his work, only training, undertaken anxiously and prayerfully and with a clearly conceived end.

Near them stood Elizabeth Christine, the consort of the king, and in the depths of her heart she repeated the cry of the people, and she gazed prayerfully toward heaven, as she petitioned for the long and happy life of her adored husband. But Frederick did not see her; he gave his arm to his mother, and they entered the palace, followed by his wife and his sisters and brothers.

For a moment it dominated all other sound. "For heaven's sake, doctor," cried Archer to the assistant, "can't you and Bentley devise something to still that poor creature? Has she lost her mind, too?" "Sounds like it, sir. There's only one thing that will bring it back that's those babies." "If anybody can get 'em it will be Stannard," answered the general prayerfully.

I will fix upon a system of giving which shall be made solemnly and prayerfully in view of my circumstances and calls; in the clear light of God's Word and of the awful retributions of the last tribunal.

Then the Egyptian crossed his hands upon his breast, and looked to heaven. "God only is great!" he exclaimed, his eyes full of tears, his soul in awe. The stranger drew nigh at last stopped. Then he, too, seemed just waking. He beheld the kneeling camel, the tent, and the man standing prayerfully at the door.

Then as to this search for "a creed for himself" which, we are reminded, it is every man's duty to make: It also remains to be said that for success in this pursuit, as for success in some other pursuits, an observance of spiritual laws is needful. A man should seek for his creed as prayerfully as he seeks for any help of which he ever finds himself in need.

Oh! that in view of their responsibility to the Supreme Ruler of the universe, they would calmly, patiently, soberly, seriously and prayerfully reflect on the following remarks. Aid a worm of the dust, O God, to plead the cause of humanity. "Paul may plant, and Apollos may water," but thou, O God, "must give the increase."

And so he had set himself resolutely and prayerfully to the task of rearranging the character of one who, he was persuaded, was capable and desirous of doing good and great things, could she only be got to hold herself at arm's-length from herself for a little while, and see herself in the glass of God's Word, and as others saw her.

When, however, the morning came on which I had to apply for the university testimonials, the Lord graciously stirred me up prayerfully to consider the matter; and finding that I had no sufficient reason for leaving Halle, I gave up the plan, and have never had reason to regret having done so. The public means of grace by which I could be benefited were very few.

The era of the commonwealth let loose a flood of religious light and liberty: those who had just emerged from the darkness of Popery, and those who had received, implicitly, and without investigation, their religion from the formal services of the Liturgy, were now alarmed with the thunder of faithful exhortations, personally and prayerfully to examine the sacred Scriptures, upon pain of everlasting death.