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An elderly western farmer, with silver spectacles, new and glossy evening clothes, bony features, and stiff; thin, gray hair, trying to address a large crowd of people, under the drawbacks of a piercing wind and a cold in his head, was not a hero. Sybil's mind was lost in wondering whether the President would not soon die of pneumonia.

And then, as I never saw her anywhere about, there was reason to suppose she'd left. If I thought of her at all, I thought she'd gone." "It seems she's been staying for weeks at the Annonciata I fancy she called it a hotel on a little mountain close to Mentone. She says the air's very fine and she's been ordered south by an American doctor. Had pneumonia in the autumn."

The lungs that were practically destroyed by three attacks of pneumonia have not only recovered, but are stronger than ever before. I shall never forget the first time, while talking to me, that he squashed a mosquito. The stinging pest had settled in the middle of his back between his shoulders.

She was afraid to go back with the rest, but sat crouched there under the tree almost beside herself with remorse until Aunt Clara herself found her and made her go to bed. In the morning Uncle Teddy brought a doctor from St. Pierre who stayed on the job all day and by night announced that there was no danger of pneumonia, although the Captain had had a very narrow escape.

The forceps are used also on behalf of the mother, if the continuation of labor seems likely to throw undue stress upon her. On this account the physician frequently resorts to them if his patient is suffering from pneumonia, typhoid fever, or any acute illness at the time of labor.

One sleeps soundly after watching for three nights." Thirlwell glanced at the figure rudely outlined by the dirty blue blanket on the bunk. Driscoll's face was turned to the wall, but Thirlwell saw that his black hair was damp. "What's the matter with Steve?" he asked. "Pneumonia. Two of my people who passed the shack in the daytime saw a light burning.

Kennedy was all attention as Dr. Thornton added this new evidence. "You know," concluded the doctor, "that in cyanogen poisoning there might be hallucinations of the wildest kind. But then, too, in the delirium of pneumonia it might be the same." I could see by the way Kennedy acted that for the first time a ray of light had dawned upon him in tracing out the case.

Of course for this effort, the tire chose the coldest and most fiercely windswept portion of the Pelham Road, where from the broad waters of the Sound pneumonia and the grip raced rampant, and where to the touch a steel wrench was not to be distinguished from a piece of ice.

Almost before we knew it a storm gathered and broke directly over our heads. There was no shelter, so we just kept riding. I had visions of pneumonia and sore throat and maybe rheumatism. In fact I began to feel twinges of rheumatics, but the Chief scoffed.

Since there was no local injury to the knee in this case which could have caused the disease, we must seek some other cause for it. I have thought that its origin might be accounted for on the principle of metastasis of morbid material. The patient had pneumonia which passed through its several stages somewhat rapidly, resolution taking place about the end of the second week.