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They laughed at their crinkly finger-tips wrinkled by the water like parchment; and his neck, where it rose above the soft high collar, was branded by the sun a flaming red. "Gee!" she cried. "Ain't you sunburnt!" "I always tan red," he said. "And me, I always tan tan." They exchanged these pithy and inspired bits of autobiography in warm, intimate tones.

The leaf-stalk, when dried, is light and elastic, like the quill of a bird owing to the thin, hard, outer covering and soft internal pith. Out of the outer rind, when split off, the Indian makes baskets and window-blinds. The pithy part is separated into laths, about half an inch thick, with which window-shutters, boxes, bird-cages, partitions, and even entire walls, are constructed.

I feel less abased by my own nothingness, more emboldened to approach and say, 'Not so far apart from me: thou too hast suffered. Why is this?" GEORGE MORLEY. "'The fool hath said in his heart that there is no God; but the fool hath not said in his heart that there is no sorrow, pithy and most profound sentence; intimating the irrefragable claim that binds men to the Father.

I had not been awkward at introductions, nor dull in conversations. I had even made some very pithy remarks where they could do me most service, and knew the name of a historic personage to whom Lady Pendleton alluded vaguely, forgetting his title. I was invaded in my turn on our reception day by all the wealth and beauty of the capital.

Whole books have been filled with the short and pithy imaginary conversations between Marforio, the statue of a river god which used to stand in the Monti, and Pasquino, beneath whom the Roman children used to be told that the book of all wisdom was buried for ever.

"How I got back to the house I hardly know. I believe it was with my eyes shut, and I am certain I ran all the way. "About four o'clock the following afternoon I received a cablegram from Malta. Intuition warned me to prepare for the worst. Its contents were unpleasantly short and pithy 'Hal drowned at two o'clock this morning. Dick.

The moderate gleam of freedom vanishes in the other copy under a few pithy changes, as if Cranmer instinctively felt the revolution which had taken place in the relations of church and state.

His motto through life had ever been, "Never venture, never win," a sentiment which his intercourse among fur-traders had taught him to embody in the pithy expression, "Never say die;" so that, although quite satisfied that the thing was impossible, he merely replied to his companion's speech by an assenting "Ho," and pushed out again into the stream.

He was a man of pithy speech, communicative, and acquainted apparently with everybody of every class, whom we passed on the road. Besides him we had for fellow-passengers three very intelligent Irishmen, on their way to Dublin. One of them was a tall, handsome gentleman, with dark hair and hazel eyes, and a rich South-Irish brogue.

He did not employ the terminology of the art, which, though possibly pedantic in sound, is invaluable for purposes of discussion; but he expressed its leading principles in pithy, homely phrases of his own, which showed how accurate his grasp of it was.