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It is in my heart to show these our good friends of Pikirami that there is one white man who can catch a pura." Roka showed his white teeth in an approving smile. "Thou art a clever white man, and can do all those things that we brown men can do. Malua hath told me that there is no one like thee in all the world for skill in fishing and many things. Let us go seek feke."

His voice failed, but his lips were smiling still as he gave his last sigh; and then his head lay still in Tessa's arms. All that day over a gently heaving sea the boat sped steadily onward before the soft breath of the dying trade wind, and when night fell Harvey and Atkins reckoned that they could not be more than twenty miles from Pikirami.

As the loud report reverberated through the leafy forest aisles there came the sound of rushing feet, and Malua and the rest of the crew of the Motutapu, together with the six Pikirami natives, burst through the undergrowth, and gazed in wonder at the scene before them Harvey lying on the sand, Roka with his still-smoking rifle in his hand, standing over the dead body of Chard.

Then there is another advantage in our making for Pikirami we can run before the night squalls, and the harder they blow the better it will be for us we'll get there all the sooner." Then Harvey went on to say that at Piki-rami which he knew well they would meet with a friendly reception from the few natives who inhabited two islets out of the thirty which formed the atoll.

Now on the other hand, Pikirami Lagoon lies less than a hundred and fifty miles dead to leeward of us. It is low, but I don't think we shall miss it if we steer W. by S., as on the south end there is a coral mound about a hundred feet high. If we do miss it we can steer south for New Ireland; we can't miss that if we tried to, and would get there sooner than we could reach Ponapé.

Carry me to the shore quickly, and then haste, haste, good Roka, and warn the others. These men of Pikirami are traitors. Haste thee, dear friend, if ye be a good man and true, and help to save the woman who is dear to me." Tearing off the sleeves of Harvey's shirt, Roka, as he answered, bound them tightly over the wound to stay the flow of blood. "Nay, master, 'tis not the men of Pikirami.

Several young Pikirami natives at once launched two of their best canoes, and placed them at Harvey's and Atkins's service, and offered to go with the party and do all the paddling, cooking, etc.

Then a tot of rum was served out to each man, and the boat's head put W. by S. for Pikirami Lagoon, while Tessa and Maoni set to work under Atkins's directions to sew together some odd pieces of calico and navy blue print, which Latour the steward had fortunately thrust into the sack containing the firearms.

"Listen," whispered the native, "dost hear the call of the kanapu? There be many of them about us in the air; so this land of Pikirami must be near."

They had baited their hooks with flying-fish, as was the practice of the Pikirami people. "Master," said Roka presently to Harvey, "never have I had good luck with flying-fish when fishing for pura in mine own land of Manhiki. * Octopus. "Let us seek for one on the outer reef. Then we shall return here.