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"Yes, and far more victims die from the whiskey than from the bites," rejoined Isobel. "But a stimulant " "Stimulant, then heart depressant first up, then down that's alcohol. No, you'll get only one poison, the snake's, this time. So don't worry. You'll soon be all right. Even had you been struck in the face, quick action with permanganate would have saved you." He shuddered.

The most important combinations among the foregoing are: Potassium bichromate and ferrous salts; potassium permanganate and ferrous salts; potassium permanganate and oxalic acid, or its derivatives; iodine and sodium thiosulphate; hypochlorites and arsenious acid.

This is all the treatment required in most cases. It may be advisable to administer a physic. If pus and scabs form, the part should be cleansed daily with a one per cent water solution of permanganate of potassium.

Crystals of iodine as opposed to permanganate of potash for antiseptic he discussed. From that he branched into antisepsis as opposed to asepsis as a practical method in the field. "Theory has nothing to do with it," said he. "It's a matter of which will work!" It was all technical; but it interested her for the simple reason that Kingozi was really enthusiastic.

That meant either Epsom salts, quinine, or a little excursion with the lancet and permanganate. The African traveller gets to be heap big medicine man within these narrow limits. All the red cowls squatted miserably, oh, very miserably, in a row. The headman stood over them rather fiercely. We surveyed the lot contemplatively, hoping to heaven that nothing complicated was going to turn up.

Permanganate of potash for rubbing into the bitten place should always be carried by persons traveling in a snake-infested country. If the bite is on a limb, a light ligature will check the spread of the venom. Use whisky sparingly, if at all, and then only in case of complete collapse.

That tramp was a drunken, or perhaps a crazy creature, afflicted with some skin disease such as are common among his class. Why did I allow the incident to trouble me? I went home and washed out my mouth, and sprinkled my clothes with a strong solution of permanganate of potash, for, although my own folly was evident, it is always as well to be careful, especially in hot weather.

Strychnine has a characteristic, very bitter taste; it imparts this taste to even very dilute solutions; it is unaffected by sulphuric acid, but gives a purple-blue colour, changing to crimson and light red, when the edge of this solution is touched with dioxide of manganese, potassium bichromate, ferricyanide of potassium, or permanganate of potassium.

For the first two or three days, while the fever runs high, put him on a low diet, such as milk, tea, arrow root, &c. Apply to his throat every four hours a warm barm and oatmeal poultice. If he be old enough to have the knowledge to use a gargle, the following will be found serviceable Take of Permanganate of Potash, pure, four grams, Water eight ounces To make a Gargle Or,

Then filling the syringe she pushed its needle-like point under the outlaw's skin and just above the wound. Then she injected the antidote which she had mixed permanganate of potassium and old plainsmen will tell you there is no better opponent of a rattler's poison than the one Peggy used, the method of utilizing which had been opportunely taught her by Mr. Bell. Red Bill's lips parted.