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He realized that with the passage of the tariff legislation, which always acts as a business depressant, it was necessary at the same time to have the stimulus the Currency Bill would afford when enacted into law. The split of '96 in the Democratic ranks over the money question was an additional reason for cautious and well-considered action if the Federal Reserve Bill was to become a reality.

The specific germ of the disease, or the toxin elaborated by this germ, may be especially depressant to the heart, as in diphtheria, or the germ may be particularly prone to locate in the heart, as in rheumatism and pneumonia. But all feverish processes, sooner or later, if sufficiently prolonged, cause serious cardiac weakness and more or less dilatation.

This stimulus to the body is, however, largely if not wholly, illusory. The mental-emotional effects, noted in the following paragraph, give the drinker the impression that he is physically fortified; but objective tests show that, after a very brief period, the dominant effect upon the organism is depressant.

He dropped the newspaper, yawned, and let his mind drift off at a tangent. He wondered why Gloria had been late. It seemed so long ago already he had a pang of illusive loneliness. He tried to imagine from what angle she would regard her new position, what place in her considerations he would continue to hold. The thought acted as a further depressant he opened his paper and began to read again.

Still, "while Eastern Europeans feel their lives are better off since the collapse of communism, many say they have lost ground over the past five years. Again, Czechs are the exception 41% think they have made progress while 27% believe they have lost ground. Poverty is a potent depressant.

With our better understanding of magnesium absorption and the depressant effect of magnesium on the nervous system, magnesium salts should not be used in serious conditions. Diuretics often do not act well when most needed. The simplest diuretic is potassium citrate, given in wintergreen or peppermint water, in doses of 2 gm.

"Tobacco, and especially cigarettes, being a depressant upon the heart, should be positively forbidden." Dr. Effect of Tobacco upon the Heart. While tobacco poisons more or less almost every organ of the body, it is upon the heart that it works its most serious wrong. Upon this most important organ its destructive effect is to depress and paralyze.

He had sold his honour; he vowed it should not be in vain; 'it shall be no fault of mine if this miscarry, he repeated. And in his heart he wondered at himself. Living rage no doubt supported him; no doubt also, the sense of the last cast, of the ships burned, of all doors closed but one, which is so strong a tonic to the merely weak, and so deadly a depressant to the merely cowardly.

You, I take it, have the same type of brain and nerve force as I always active, always alert. What we both need is a depressant pot. brom. Or, as I prefer to call it, K.B.R." "Oh no it's very kind of you. But I'd like best to go to bed." "May I carry your mattress up for you?" "I'm not sleeping on deck. I couldn't sleep among so many people," she said, and, after a hurried good night went below.

The drug increases the force and frequency of the respirations by stimulating the vagus roots in the lung. It paralyzes respiration finally by a secondary depressant action upon the respiratory center. It does not cause convulsions. It lessens and finally abolishes reflex action by a direct action upon the cord, and by a slight action upon the muscles and nerves.