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She no sooner perceiv'd how easy it would be to supplant her Sister, but she formed the Design, and Zeokinizul who began to be pall'd with the long Enjoyment of so indifferent a Mistress, was easily inclin'd to vary the Object of his Love.

But these Relations are too uncertain for me to build any thing upon, and therefore I shall proceed to tell you, that there came hither about two years since out of America, the Governour of one of the Principal Colonies there, an Ancient Virtuoso, and one that has the Honour to be a member of the Royal Society; this Gentleman finding some of the chief Affairs of his Country committed to another and me, made me divers Visits, and in one of them when I enquir'd what Rare Stones they had in those parts of the Indies he belong'd to, he told me, that the Indians had a Tradition that in a certain hardly accessible Hill, a pretty way up in the Country, there was a Stone which in the Night time shin'd very vividly, and to a great distance, and he assur'd me, that though he thought it not fit to venture himself so far among those Savages, yet he purposely sent thither a bold Englishman, with some Natives to be his guides, and that this Messenger brought him back word, that at a distance from the Hillock he had plainly perceiv'd such a shining Substance as the Indians Tradition mention'd, and being stimulated by Curiosity, had slighted those Superstitious Fears of the Inhabitants, and with much ado by reason of the Difficulty of the way, had made a shift to clamber up to that part of the Hill, where, by a very heedful Observation, he suppos'd himself to have seen the Light: but whether 'twere that he had mistaken the place, or for some other Reason, he could not find it there, though when he was return'd to his former Station, he did agen see the Light shining in the same place where it shone before.

As soon as I perceiv'd it, having curs'd the treachery of Tryphoena, and the ingratitude of Lycas, I began to make off, and fortune favour'd me: For a ship consecrated to the Goddess Isis, laden with rich spoils, had the day before run upon the rocks.

Withall, I knew the judgment others made of me; and I perceiv'd that I was no less esteem'd then my fellow Students, although there were some amongst them that were destin'd to fill our Masters rooms.

My Lord, I knew not that I was a Lover; I felt no flame, but a religious Ardour, That did inspire my Soul with adoration; And so remote I was from ought but such, I knew not Hope, nor what it was to wish For other blessings than to gaze upon her: Like Heaven I thought she was to be possess'd, Where carnal Thoughts can no admittance find; And had I not perceiv'd her Love to you, I had not known the nature of my flame: But then I found it out by Jealousy, And what I took for a Seraphick motion, I now decline as criminal and earthly.