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Yet I could never quite master a restless inclination to deviate from anything that was regarded as conventional. Our two pets, Peps and Papo, largely helped to make our lodgings homelike; both were very fond of me, and were sometimes even too obtrusive in showing their affection.

'Well, Sir, said Doctor Parker Peps in a round, deep, sonorous voice, muffled for the occasion, like the knocker; 'do you find that your dear lady is at all roused by your visit? 'Stimulated as it were? said the family practitioner faintly: bowing at the same time to the Doctor, as much as to say, 'Excuse my putting in a word, but this is a valuable connexion.

In it are represented every age and every race since the dawn of letters; thousands upon thousands of authors, sir, Rabelais and Dean Farrar, Lamb and the Hindoos, Mettlelink and the pith of the great philosophers such as John Oliver Hobbes, Locke, Hume and Earl Spencer; the biting sarcasm of Hiny, the pathos of Peps, the oratorical master-strokes of such men as Gladstone, Demosthenes and Keir Hardie; the romance of Kipling, sir, of Bret Harte and Danty Rossini; the poetry of Kempis a Browning and of Elizabeth Thomas Barrett all, all are there bound in Persian calf.

This gave me great pleasure, because I had already noticed the interest which he took in me. Generally, however, I had to rely only on my wife's company, and during my long walks I had to be satisfied with my little dog Peps.

He liked him for it. He was not afraid. The people round him changed as unaccountably as on that first night at Doctor Blimber's except Florence; Florence never changed and what had been Sir Parker Peps, was now his father, sitting with his head upon his hand.

'Quite so, said Doctor Parker Peps, which we would rather not see. It would appear that the system of Lady Cankaby excuse me: I should say of Mrs Dombey: I confuse the names of cases 'So very numerous, murmured the family practitioner 'can't be expected I'm sure quite wonderful if otherwise Doctor Parker Peps's West-End practice 'Thank you, said the Doctor, 'quite so.

We must not disguise from you, Sir, said Doctor Parker Peps, 'that there is a want of power in Her Grace the Duchess I beg your pardon; I confound names; I should say, in your amiable lady. That there is a certain degree of languor, and a general absence of elasticity, which we would rather not 'See, interposed the family practitioner with another inclination of the head.

I am served separately, and see no one but the waiter. A dear little dog, the successor of Peps, Fips by name, is my only company. ONE thing I had to concede in return for the favour of possessing this garden salon; every Sunday morning from nine till twelve I have to turn out.

'Then, added Doctor Parker Peps, alone and very gravely, a crisis might arise, which we should both sincerely deplore. With that, they stood for a few seconds looking at the ground.

The Zurich people have acted very well, and we at Weymar have taken cordial interest in your serenade and the torchlight procession. What a pity "Double Peps" was there no longer! He would have drummed and torched with a will. The day after tomorrow I must start for Carlsbad, and shall stay there till August 15th, wherefore address Carlsbad till middle of August, after that Weymar.