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Indeed, visitors are urged to bring their old clothes that they may indulge to the full their penchants for mountain-climbing, riding, rowing, fishing, horse-back-riding, botanizing in the woods, or any other out-of-door occupation where old clothes are the only suitable ones.

A jolly round face with very fair complexion, a merry blue eye, short, curly brown hair and a full moustache somewhat darker, made up the ensemble of the particular person destined to be the torment of Judge Owen and of others. For Frank Wallace, be it understood, had other penchants besides his attachment to pretty Emily fun being the other and leading propensity.

He had a number of singular little penchants and peculiarities quite his own, such as a passion for poking about among dark alleys, at all sorts of seasonable and unseasonable hours; fishing out troops of dirty, neglected children, and fussing about generally in the community till he could get them into schools or otherwise provided for.

Our guide, in answer to numerous questions upon the subject, informed us that some of his countrymen had acquired a taste for dogs, while others had succumbed to the sweeter attractions of cats; others again found rats their favorite morsel, but in all cases these penchants are indulged in on the sly.

No political responsibilities rested upon her shoulders, there were no cares of state to weary and make uneasy her crowned head, and she was free to follow her own penchants unimpeded by this larger task. But now a wider field for the activities of women seems to come; in Spain, chance gives them full control in their own name in certain instances, and they bear the full responsibility.

Lady Fareham and I are old playfellows. We were reared in the pays du tendre, Loveland the kingdom of innocent attachments and pure penchants, that country of which Mademoiselle Scudery has given us laws and a map. Your vulgar London lover cannot understand platonics the affection which is satisfied with a smile or a madrigal. Fareham knows his wife and me better than to doubt us."

My picture, as I have said, was a fairly executed steel engraving, taken from some one of the thousands of "Tokens," or "Keepsakes," or "Amulets," or "Gems," or such like harmless giftbooks, with which youths of tender sentiment remind preoccupied damsels of their careful penchants.

With all her faults she had a sincere affection for her friend, and was shrewd enough to perceive that this affair with Hemstead promised to be more serious than Lottie's passing penchants had been previously. But with her usual weakness and irresolution she hesitated and waited, Micawber-like, to see what would "turn up." The impression grew on Mrs.