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The medic and the guards moved into Chester Pelton's private rest room with the stretcher. Claire went to the desk and began picking up odds and ends, including the pistol Cardon had given her, and putting them in her handbag. "We've got to keep her away from her father, for a few days, Ralph," he told Prestonby softly. "It's all over town that she can read and write.

Latterman had probably thrown out Pelton's nitrocaine capsules and then put Bayne up to insulting Pelton's daughter, knowing that a fit of rage would bring on another heart attack, which could be fatal without the medicine. "Well, send for more!" "The prescription's in the safe," she said faintly. The office safe was locked, and only a Literate could open it.

I won't state, in so many words, that Chester Pelton's sold out the Radical-Socialists and the Consolidated Illiterates' Organization to the Associated Fraternities of Literates, because, since no witness to any actual transfer of money can be found, such a statement would be libelous provided Pelton had nerve enough to sue me." "Why, you dirty misbegotten illegitimate !" Pelton was on his feet.

Prestonby wanted to know. "My guess is Joyner and Graves. Am I right?" "Graves," Latterman said. "Joyner didn't have anything to do with it; didn't know anything about it. He's in charge of the Retail Merchandising section, and any action like this would be unethical, since Pelton's is a client of the Retail Merchandising section.

His hand went to his hip, and then, realizing that he was unarmed and, in any case, confronted only by an electronic image, he sat down again. "Pelton's been yapping for socialized Literacy," the man on the screen continued.

"And there is also the matter of Pelton's daughter, and his son," Cardon said. "We know, and Graves and Joyner know, and I assume that Slade Gardner knows, that they can both read and write as well as any Literate in the Fraternities. Suppose that got out between now and the election?"

Cardon shuddered and grimaced horribly. "I've been drinking that slop by the bucketful, all day. And Pelton's throwing a victory party, tonight, and I'll have to choke down another half gallon of it. Give me a cup of coffee, and one of those good cigars of yours." Lancedale grinned at him. "Ah, yes, the jolly brewer. His own best advertisement. How's Pelton reacting to his triumph?

A voice muttered something which, two centuries ago, would have caused an earth-shaking scandal in the whole radio-TV industry. "Well, till Steve gets things fixed up, a brief review, to date, of what's sure to go down in history as the Battle of Pelton's Purchasers' Paradise " "Huh?" Ray fairly shouted, the book forgotten.

Call them as soon as you get to Literates' Hall and have them take it at once to Pelton's home, on Long Island." Prestonby nodded and watched Cardon climb into the truck. The Literates' guard who was driving lifted it up and began windmilling away toward the east. The passenger 'copter, driven by another guard from the school, settled down. Putting Ray and Claire into it, he climbed in after them.

Prestonby took it when he saw a Literates' Guards officer in the screen and recognized him. "That you, Prestonby?" the officer, Major Slater, asked in some surprise. "Didn't know you were at Pelton's. What's going on, there?" Prestonby told him, briefly. "Yes; we had some of our people at the store, in plain clothes," Slater said. "Just in case of trouble. On Mr. L.'s orders.