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Wimmen's clubs is all right so long as they stick to readin' hist'ry and discussin' tattin', but when they flock like a lot of old hen turkeys and go to peckin' a man because he's down and can't help himself, it ain't anything but persecution wolves turnin' on another one that's got his leg broke. I know animiles, and I know human critters.

Then there's Miss Hattie, the second one, jes' at that spiteful thirteen age, but so busy peckin' on her sister, she ain't no time left for me " "Thought you said there was three children," put in Maria mildly. "I did. You didn't think I lied, did you? Always ready to snatch up a person's words before they git 'em out of their mouth!

"Atter he got thu, den he santer 'long, he did, fur ter hunt up de Woodpecker; an' by'mby he hyeard him peckin' at er log; an' he went up ter him kin' er kyeerless, an' he sez, 'Good-mornin', sezee; 'yer pow'ful busy ter day.

"Let 'em eat they victuals when they's served, three times a day without no stint or savin' an' not be peckin' in between times," she hurled at poor old Billy when he meekly demanded a tray for the hall bedroom. "I'll fix it myself, Sis Em'ly, an' I won't make a mite er dirt. Miss Ann air plum flabbergasted what with sech a long trip an' no breakfas'."

Do you know what kind of a game they've gone to work and rigged up on your friend, the human curling-tongs? The widder has got him to doin' chores again. It seems that she was always strong on keepin' him doin' chores. He's peckin' away at that pile of wood that's fitted and lays at the corner of the barn.

"I'll be drinkin' condinsed spirits an' 'atin' hay-cake whip the vultures do be peckin' at what's lift uv ye whip the Subadar's done wid ye. I'd a drame about ye last noight, William Connor dear three times I dramed it." Suddenly Connor's face was clouded. "Whist, thin, Coolin," said he hoarsely.

From the kitchen came cheerful sounds and scents of cooking, and ever and anon from the door waddled, with quite surprising celerity, the unwieldy bulk of the mistress of the house. "Now, that's jest like yer Pa," Cameron heard her grumbling to her daughter, "bringin' a man here jest at the busy season who don't know nothin'. He's peckin' away at 'em blocks like a rooster peckin' grain."