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It is interesting to note in this connection that on August 16, 1762, was "Pd." one "Barnard Shaw maintenance of Rioters and Evidence, 1-11-6." A circumstance of considerable human interest, too, and one possibly little known, is the great aversion to the sight of bears held by the inhabitants of the Isle of Wight, at least in the year 1891.

Eliz: Rodger to keepe a base childe founde by the p'rishe and for half of a pecke of blye, XVIIId. "Pd. Alce caraway who releeveth certaine children of the parishe, VId. "Pd. a poore man of Morestowe whose house was burnte and his wiefe distracted of her witts, XIId." The charitable doings of these good St.

"1649 Three soldiers shot to death in Burford Churchyard May 17th." "Pd. to Daniel Muncke for cleansinge the Church when the Levellers were taken 3s. 4d." A walk through the streets of the old town is refreshing to an antiquary's eyes. Vandalism is not, however, quite lacking, even in Burford.

I read out to him the name and address, to which he replied, 'That is right. "Here is an exact copy of the entry in the order book: Sat., Dec. 6th, /90. Mr. J. S. Thompson, 154, William Street, Hebburn Quay. 6 cabinets. 7/ pd. "The above was written in pencil; on the margin was written in ink, 'Dec. 16, which, Mr.

Leverton, Lincoln, Acc'ts, s.a. 1579, Archaeologia, xli, 365. Under 1595 the Leverton wardens have the entries: "pd. to the apparitor for fallts in the churche ijs. viijd.," and: "for playing in the churche iijs. viijd." The last is explained by a third entry: "to the apparator for suffering a plaie in the church." Abbey Parish Acc'ts, s.a. 1600, Shrop. Arch.

Nov 27 Pd Mr B a Subscription for missionaries 15 D. 1798 Feby 26 pd 5D in part of 20D Subscription for a hot-press bible June 25 Gave order on J Barnes for 25D towards fitting up a chapel. Sept 23 pd Contribution at a Sermon 7.20 April 7 Gave order on J Barnes for 50D charity in favor of the Revd Mr Parkinson towards a Baptist meeting house.

"for a Tar Barrell and Syder." In the same year an itinerant beggar seems to have won alms from the authorities under a false ticket: "Given ffrancis Browne by consent who brought a Let pas by that name, but afterwards his name apeared to bee ffrancis Jackson 1s. 0d. "Pd. the Cryer to whip him and for thongs 1s. 1d."

It is pleasant to think that the St. Ives folk were such good Christians. In 1685 the borough paid some attention to the condition of its drum: "Pd Henry Anthony for new making the Towne drum 2s. 6d." Later, there is a payment to Henry Barber for beating the same. Immediately after there is much to-do about some sugar stolen by a man named Teage; sugar was a costly luxury in those days.

Then DS will be 62,163. But CL is also determined, and contains 99,324 parts, as has been said in Articles 34 and 40. Then the ratio of PD to DS will be as 99,324 to 62,163.

The following are the three entries in his expense-book for July fourth, 1776: "Paid Sparhawk for a thermometer...................L3 15s. Pd. for 7 pr. women's gloves....................... 27s. Gave in charity.................................... 1s. 6d." The price that he paid for his thermometer was equivalent to about twenty dollars in gold; and as Mr.