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A few thousands of these sturdy fellows would put to flight an army of hen-hearted Hindús or Hindís. We left Cape Palmas at 5 P.M., and duly respected the five-fathom deep 'Athole Rock, so called from the frigate which first made its acquaintance. The third victim was the B. and A. s.s. The Juju-men naturally declared that their magic brought her to such notable grief.

They are aware, that, without vigorous and prompt measures to extinguish the native title to the country between Monrovia and Cape Palmas, foreign nations will occupy the intermediate positions, and cause much embarrassment hereafter. At Assinee.

Before him, booted, spurred, and fully dressed, lay the dead body of Ed Austin. Dave was still staring at the master of Las Palmas when the prosecuting attorney spoke to him. "God! This is terrible, isn't it?" he said. "He must have died instantly." "Who did it?" "We don't know yet. Benito found him and brought him in. He hasn't been dead an hour."

"Yes." "Where?" "I don't know." Dave spoke brusquely: "Come, Benito; you must know, for your wife went with her. Are you trying to keep something back?" "No, no! As God is my judge!" Benito declared, "I didn't know they were going until the very last, and even then Dolores would tell me nothing. We were having bad times here at Las Palmas; there were stormy scenes yonder in the house.

He proudly displayed Longorio's revolver, and called it his cousin's little avenger. The weapon had slain many; it had a duty still to perform, so he said. José intended to confide his purpose to Mrs. Austin, but when it came time to start for Las Palmas there was a fourth passenger in the automobile, and he was obliged to hold his tongue for the moment.

I was up at Las Palmas last month " "Las Palmas!" The name was enough to challenge the buyers' interest. Blaze nodded. "You-all think you know the stock business. You're all swollen up with cow-knowledge, now, ain't you?" He eyed them from beneath his black eyebrows. "Well, some of our people thought they did, too.

Savage, to which I have already referred; containing notes of the observations which he made, and of the information which he collected from sources which he considered trustworthy, while resident at Cape Palmas, at the north-western limit of the Bight of Benin. The adult Chimpanzees measured by Dr. Savage, never exceeded, though the males may almost attain, five feet in height.

The house servants at Las Palmas were, on the whole, well trained, and Mrs. Austin's periodic absences excited no comment; in the present instance, Dolores fixed a bath and laid out clean clothes with no more than a running accompaniment of chatter concerned with household affairs.

This savant, whose name has become well known in Paris, is printing at Las Palmas his 'Estudios Historicos, &c., the outcome of a life's labour. Don Agustin Millares is also publishing 'La Historia de las Islas Canarias, in three volumes, each of 400 to 450 pages. I made three short excursions in Grand Canary to Telde, to the Caldera, and to Doramas, which showed me the formation of the island.

Older travellers make it a latitudinal chain running nearly east-west, with its centre about the meridian of Cape Coast Castle, and extending 500 to 600 miles on a parallel of north latitude 7º-8º. Westward it bends north behind Cape Palmas, and, like the Ghauts of Hindostan, follows the line of seaboard. I have before noticed the traditions of Mount Geddia, an occidental Kilima-njáro.