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The enemy having obtained notice of our approach, had, our spies informed us, so placed their artillery as completely to command it. I was seated in the evening round the camp-fire, with Don Carlos, his brother, the doctor, the padre, and several of my brother-officers, when I saw an Indian approaching.

Many of our party had fallen. Indeed I was surprised to observe, nor could I account for it, that the Indians took no pains to preserve the lives of the Spanish travellers, though they did their utmost to protect the Indian guides. The padre and two or three others alone escaped.

This had been his condition for almost two years, ever since his adopted father's death, and on seeing the Padre, he asked piteously if it were the way in Europe to prevent children from seeing the sun and moon. Mr. Swartz comforted him, and asked him if he had any one to teach him.

Hurlstone noticed it, and smiled bitterly. "Don't alarm yourself. I only sought this place for shelter." He spoke in French the language he had heard Padre Esteban address to Mrs. Brimmer. But the priest's quick eye had already detected his own mistake. He lifted his hand with a sublime gesture towards the altar, and said, "You are right! Where should you seek shelter but here?"

Kerry followed with a drooping head and tail. But Laurence looked after him hopefully. "Padre, the Butterfly Man's seen something this morning that will sink to the bottom of his soul and stay there: didn't you see his eyes? Now, which of those two have taught him the most the happy thief and murderer, or the innocent unhappy victim?

Scurvy was so severe among the sailors that one ship lost all its crew save two men, and there were a number of deaths on another ship; while a third vessel which started later was never heard from. Padre Junipero, who accompanied the second land party, under the charge of Governor Portola, became so ill from the wound on his leg that the commander urged him to return; but he would not.

Piles of books were heaped on the table with surgical instruments, medicine-bottles, and bags of dried seeds. After this inspection in the twilight, they went back to the padre vicar's salon to rest, when their host took leave of them to give orders to Beppo about the rooms and to send a light. Then they sank into what seats they could find, and tried to collect themselves.

He did not "log" all the run made between these islands; in consequence the "log" falls short of the true distance, as it ought to. These "seven or eight islands, all extending from north to south," and having shoal water "six leagues to the south" of them, are seen on the chart at a glance. Eighth. The course and distance from these to Port Padre, in Cuba, is reasonable.

Close beside the oak a brush house had been built, bells hung, and an altar erected. While the bells tolled, the solemn service of dedication was held by Padre Junipero, and so was founded the Mission San Carlos de Borromeo at Monterey. Near each of the earlier coast missions there was also founded a military station called a presidio, a name borrowed from the Roman presidium.

The sturdy brute was leaving Cæsar to make the pace while she doggedly pursued. "We'll make it yet!" shouted Buck, over his shoulder, amidst the roar of thunder. The Padre made no attempt at response. He deemed it useless. Buck slashed Cæsar's flanks with ruthless force. The blazing farm was just ahead, as was also the roaring fire of the forest.