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There was moonlight, but nothing else, and not so very much of that, for the clouds were hurrying across the "orbèd maiden's" face at such a rate, one after the other, that the light was more like a number of pale flashes than the steady, cold shining of most frosty moonlight nights.

when the hills and streams were not yet "dispeopled of their dreams." Tennyson, on the other hand, was already finding material for poetry in the world as seen through microscope and telescope, and as developed through "aeonian" processes of evolution. In a notebook, mixed with Greek, is a poem on the Moon not the moon of Selene, "the orbed Maiden," but of astronomical science.

As it is, I can only supply a sort of condensed statement, something about a nymph, a moonlit lake, the spirit of the glen, nice catchy phrases every one, with a line thrown in from Shelley about an 'orbéd maiden with white fire laden. Let me go back a hundred yards, Miss Wynton, and I shall return with the whole thing in order." "With such material I believe you would bring me a sonnet." "No.

Till sunset approached he remained alone, shut up in the Wizard's Chamber, the room in which he was born. Part of the time he occupied in writing to Mr. Graham. As the sun's orbed furnace fell behind the tumbling waters, Malcolm turned his face inland from the wet strip of shining shore on which he had been pacing, and ascended the sandhill.

"Yes, yes, he said we should meet again at Barnaby Bright under an orbed moon!" "Do you remember the old finger-post on the Hawkhurst road?" "Yes do you mean Oh, Cleone ?" "Here comes the Duchess with my Guardian hush! At nine o'clock, sir."

Two large tears orbed themselves beneath the Professor's lids, in obedience to the principle of gravitation celebrated in that delicious bit of bladdery bathos, "The very law that moulds a tear," with which the "Edinburgh Review" attempted to put down Master George Gordon when that young man was foolishly trying to make himself conspicuous.

For, without an instant's delay or the least hesitancy of movement, the great door was pushed suddenly inward and a man stepped into the room. A sturdy fellow he was, swarth of skin and full whiskered. His hair was black and coarse and grown to his shoulders. His eyes were black as night, largely orbed under heavy brows, not lacking a certain wicked splendor.

For, although the sun is lost to us forever, the moon, full- orbed or slender, remains to us. Sometimes it shines by night, sometimes by day, but always it rises and sets, as in that other life. I left the lawn and moved in the white light and silence along the road, aimless and sorrowing.

The moon was now Rising full orbed, but broken by a cloud. The wind was hushed, and the sea mirror-like Most of the passengers appeared on deck soon after Saunders was again heard rattling among his glasses. The day was sufficiently advanced to allow a distinct view of all that was passing, and the wind had shifted.

Gazing upon them, you were drawn in suddenly among the thousand whirring wheels of a capacious and a vigorous mind, that was both reasoning and prompt, keen of intellect, acting throughout all its machinery, and having all under full command: an orbed mind, supplying its own philosophy, and arriving at the sword-stroke by logical steps, a mind much less supple than a soldier's; anything but the mind of a Hamlet.