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Optative sentences, however, in which the community could not join, in which no one but the person who framed them could take part, could not be addressed to the god of the community. The idea of God thus was defined negatively: there were wishes which could not be communicated to him those which were repugnant to the well-being of the community.

But though in the form in which these Maklu petitions are preserved to us, they appear as prayers to the gods, and not as spells, or counter-spells; it is true, and important to notice, that, in some cases, the sentences in the optative mood seem quite detachable from the invocation of the gods.

BESIDES, in the WORK of INTERPRETATION, we LEAVE ROOM ON EVERY SUBJECT for the human or optative part; FOR IT is A PART OF SCIENCE, to make JUDICIOUS INQUIRIES and WISHES. 'The generally useful instances. They are such as relate to various points, and frequently occur, sparing by that means considerable labour and new trials.

Mark, thirty-seven times in St. Luke, including i. 8, 21, ii. 6, 27, 43, iii. 21. Fondness for optative in indirect constructions, i. 29, 62, iii. 15, xv. 26. We now come to the test supplied by the vocabulary. The following are some of the words peculiar to St. Matthew, twice in St. John, four times in the writings of St. Holtzmann says, 'is found more often in St. Matthew, three in St.

The language of Desire, and Aversion, is Imperative; as, Do This, Forbear That; which when the party is obliged to do, or forbear, is Command; otherwise Prayer; or els Counsell. The language of Vaine-Glory, of Indignation, Pitty and Revengefulness, Optative: but of the Desire to know, there is a peculiar expression called Interrogative; as, What Is It, When Shall It, How Is It Done, and Why So?

In old days, irrationals were inferred as the supposed limits of series of rationals which had no rational limit; but the objection to this procedure was that it left the existence of irrationals merely optative, and for this reason the stricter methods of the present day no longer tolerate such a definition.

The argument would not indeed be conclusive, because though the sentences are in the optative mood, there would be nothing to show on what, or on whom, the speaker relied for the fulfilment of his wish. But as it happens, it is characteristic of these Maklu tablets that they are all addressed to the gods by name, e.g.

Dunkirk, which, by all the Treaties in existence, ought to need no besieging; but which, in spite of treatyings innumerable, always does? The High Mightinesses answer nothing articulate, languidly grumble something in OPTATIVE tone; 'meaning assent, thinks the sanguine mind.

He nodded. Then, "But think how lonesome you would be," he reminded her. And Olive went her way, thinking. Indeed, she thought so earnestly about the fact that it was some time before she noticed that the phrase, still ringing in her ears, was in the optative, not in the simple future which she herself would have used in that connection.

Some read it as in the indicative; but it is generally considered as in the optative, and altered by a figure which takes on iota from the middle, and cuts an an end of the word forming Euxoman, instead of auxoiman an. + But what warrant have we for these alterations? They only serve to darken a difficult text. The most natural and common construction of euxoman, derives, is, to glory or boast.