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Silently, the wise opportunists of the Senate and all their henchmen, stood aside at the "Union convention" which they called the Republican Convention June seventh, and took their medicine. There was no doubt of the tempest of enthusiasm among the majority of the delegates. It was a Lincoln ovation.

To arms, then! To arms!" Excitement boiled up and over. From a neighbouring waxworks show came the bust of Necker, and presently a bust of that comedian the Duke of Orleans, who had a party and who was as ready as any other of the budding opportunists of those days to take advantage of the moment for his own aggrandizement. The bust of Necker was draped with crepe.

I want to talk to Porter." "I'm sorry but Mr. Porter has gone for the day." "Well, where can I reach him? It's important." "I'm sorry. Mr. Porter left no number." "When will he be back?" "He didn't say." Crane slammed the phone down. "The bastards!" he snarled. "The lousy, crummy bastards. Running like a pack of scared rats. Bureaucrats! Damned, cowardly, self-appointed opportunists!"

The difference with the opportunists and the Kautsky disciples is that we claim that we do not need the bourgeois state machinery as completed in the "democratic" bourgeois republics, but the direct power of armed and organized workers. Such was the character of the Commune of 1871 and of the Council of Workmen and Soldiers of 1905 and 1917. On this basis we build.

Politically the Pharisees were theocratic in theory, but opportunists in practice, accommodating themselves to the existing state of things so long as the de facto government did not interfere with the religious life of the people.

We are forced to doubt, therefore, the goodness which finds life easy and comfortable, and since we must still at all hazards be charitable in our judgments of one another, we become, most of us, opportunists in morals.

I have only a few words to say." "Then your nature must have changed very suddenly," said the lawyer, dryly. "Or did you pump your reservoir dry of language when you put my name in nomination to-day?" Farr bowed without reply. "I hear that speech commended very highly. Among opportunists you deserve high rank, Mr. Farr.

Opportunists propose to act now and win what they can today. Never mind about tomorrow with its sequences and consequences of today's action. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. Pragmatists believe in serving their own interests, on the theory that whatever serves personal interests must have first priority. "What is good for me/us is good for the universe".

They form the greater number of the amiable opportunists whom one might call "The Charmers."

But our impetus carried us too far, the privileged orders goaded us on by their very opposition, and the result is the horror of which yesterday you saw no more than the beginnings. No, no," he ended. "Careers there may be for venal place-seekers, for opportunists; but none for a man who desires to respect himself. It is time to go. I make no sacrifice in going." "But where will you go?