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"I will but can't now I am spent for this day leave out the bottle of claret for Father Jos, and I'll get to bed I'll see nobody, tell Father Jos I'm gone to my room." The next morning O'Tara came to breakfast. Every person had a different question to ask him, except Dora, who was silent. Corny asked what kind of man Black Connal was.

Not a soul or body to be had but yourself here, by good luck, and you shall have the first of the news, and the telling of it." "Thank you," said Ormond; "and what is the news?" "First and foremost," said O'Tara, "you know birds of a feather flock together.

When all was taken away, and all were gone, but those who, as O'Shane said, would too soon wish unheard what they were dying to hear, he drew his daughter's chair close to him, placed her so as "to save her blushes," and began his story, by relating all that O'Tara had told. "It was a sudden death shocking!"

"Heaven forbid!" said Corny, "that I should " "Heaven forbid!" repeated Harry; "but " "But good morning to you both, then," said O'Tara: "shake hands either way, and I'll condole or congratulate to-morrow as the case may be, with more particulars if required." O'Tara ran off, saying he would be back again soon; but he had great business to do. "I told the father last night."

From his knowledge of the world, he thought it very probable that a young officer in the French brigade would be well contented to be heir to his brother's fortune, without encumbering himself with an Irish wife, taken from an obscure part of the country. Corny, therefore, eagerly inquired from O'Tara what became of White Connal's property.

Opening the door of one of the buildings hastily, he disturbed the cock, who taking fright, flew about the barn with such violence, as to tear off several of his feathers, and very much to deface his appearance. Unfortunately, at this instant, White Connal and Mr. O'Tara came by, and finding what had happened, abused Moriarty with all the vulgar eloquence which anger could supply.

O'Tara answered, that the common cry of the country was, that all White Connal's profitable farms were leasehold property, and upon his own life.

Palmer, one of our most delightful young poets, and with Desmond O'Tara, son of the late revered Bishop of Ballinafad, who has lately quitted ours for the errors of the Church of Rome. Let me whisper to you that your kinswoman is rather a searcher after what we call here notabilities.

Mademoiselle inquired whether he was most French or English; Ormond, whether he was going to be married. To all these questions O'Tara pleaded ignorance: except with respect to the sports of the field, he had very little curiosity or intelligence. A ray of hope again darted across the mind of Corny.

There was a strolling kind of gentleman in the Islands, a Mr. O'Tara, who was a famous cock-fighter. O'Tara came one day to dine at Corny Castle. The kindred souls found each other out, and an animated discourse across the table commenced concerning cocks. After dinner, as the bottle went round, the rival cock-fighters, warmed to enthusiasm in praise of their birds.