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And she did suckle him occasionally although, less euphemistically, she saw it as him being allowed to devour her. She did this to pass on her nutrients and antibodies, although giving milk and having a child use her for her tit repulsed and stiffened her posture at times like a soldier at a machine gun in a trench and at other times like a soldier in a queue waiting for inspection.

The blood is sea water, to which has been added hemoglobin as a pigment for carrying oxygen to the cells not in direct contact with the atmosphere, nutrients to take the place of the prey our marine ancestors gobbled up frankly and directly, and white cells to act as the first line of defense.

In recognition of this fact is involved a principle of health and also one of economy. The proteids, especially those in meats, are the most expensive of the nutrients, whereas the carbohydrates, which should form the greater bulk of one’s food, are the least expensive.

Keep the water a little above the temperature of the body for several hours, examining the tubes at intervals to note the progress of digestion. Inferences. The dissolved nutrients, to reach the cells, must be transferred from the alimentary canal to the blood stream. This process is known as absorption.

It acts with vigor on all of the nutrients insoluble in water, producing the following changes: 1. It converts the starch into maltose, completing the work begun by the saliva. This action is due to the amylopsin, which is similar to ptyalin but is more vigorous. It changes proteids into peptones and proteoses, completing the work begun by the gastric juice.

*Composition of the Nutrients.*—The simplest way of determining what elements make up the different nutrients is by heating them and studying the products of decomposition, as follows: To show that Carbohydrates contain Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.—Place one half teaspoonful of powdered starch in a test tube and heat strongly.

What double purpose is served by the processes of digestion? Trace the passage of proteids, fats, and carbohydrates from the small intestine into the general circulation. What is the necessity for storing nutrients in the body? Why is it not also necessary to store up oxygen? In what form and at what places is each of the principal nutrients stored?

While certain foods may contain only a single one of these, most of the foods are mixtures of two or more. These few common materials which, in different proportions, form the different things that are eaten, are variously referred to as simple foods, food-stuffs, and nutrients, the last name being the one generally preferred.

People commonly waste away and die while eating large amounts of food. Obviously they are unable to digest or assimilate nutrients or they wouldn't be wasting. Eating further increases their toxic burden from undigested meals, further worsening their already failing organs. The real solution is to stop feeding them altogether so that their digestive functions can heal.

To show the Presence of Mineral Matter.—Burn a piece of dry bread by holding it in a clear, hot flame, and observe the ash that is left behind. This is the mineral matter present in the bread. *Tests for Nutrients.* Proteids.—Cover the substance to be tested with strong nitric acid and heat gradually to boiling.