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"But, Chief, Florence Levasseur's presence in the nursing-home proves as clearly as A B C that it was she who told the manservant to bring me that threatening letter for you! There's not a doubt about it: Florence Levasseur is managing the whole business. "You know it as well as I do. Confess!

Some twenty years had passed since that night when, ailing and broken thought to be nearly dying, Watts-Dunton told me Swinburne was brought in a four-wheeler to The Pines. Regular private nursing-homes either did not exist in those days or were less in vogue than they are now. The Pines was to be a sort of private nursing-home for Swinburne. It was a good one. He recovered.

Monsieur le Préfet, the letter that accompanied those documents, the unsigned letter which this young lady handed you, was written by the mother superior who manages a nursing-home in the Avenue des Ternes. "By making immediate inquiries at that nursing-home, by questioning the superior and confronting her with Mlle. Levasseur, we shall discover the identity of the criminal himself.

When his first wife was seized, he had promised to take her down into Hertfordshire, but meanwhile arranged with a nursing-home instead. Helen, too, was ill. And the plan that he sketched out for her capture, clever and well-meaning as it was, drew its ethics from the wolf-pack. "You want to get hold of her?" he said. "That's the problem, isn't it? She has got to see a doctor."

High and low, and all huddled together like so many babes in a nursing-home. No distinction. You saw old Mother Misery get first look-in to-night? My lady waited her turn, like a good girl!" His voice sank to a whisper. "They tell me he's the only living soul if he is a living soul that's ever been inside the Stock Exchange and come out tidy.

But it had not happened to Baxendale; for Freddy Catchpole, who has managed to get a job at the War Office, dined one evening with Mrs. Baxendale, and she told him poor Gilbert had got so bad with his nerves that he had to go to a nursing-home in the country to take a cure. And there, for all I know, he will stay till the War is over.

My hostess told me that this boy was suffering from tuberculosis, that he had had to leave Eton at fifteen to undergo a very severe internal operation from which he had only just recovered, and that when the party broke up, he was going straight into a nursing-home to prepare for another equally severe operation.

Since Father's funeral this house seems to get on my nerves. I'm horribly depressed. Do you know what I mean?" Expecting to see her face cloud with the look of resentful suspicion he knew so well he was agreeably surprised when she merely smiled faintly and replied: "My dear, of course I know! It is most natural. I too would like to get away. Why don't you go to a nursing-home for a bit?"

'We are ducks, she said with tears in her eyes, 'who have hatched a wild swan. But the poor lady was wrong; it was not a swan that they had hatched, it was an eagle. Miss NIGHTINGALE had been a year in her nursing-home in Harley Street, when Fate knocked at the door.

She had not, however, much time for reflection of any sort during those first days in town. Noel occupied all her thoughts. On the day before that fixed for the operation, he went into a private nursing-home. He was extremely cheery over all the preparations, and made himself exceedingly popular with his nurses before he had been more than a few hours in the place.