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Jimenez had gotten a wad of handkerchief tissue out of his pocket and was trying to stop his superior's nosebleed. Through it, Kellogg was trying to tell Mallin that he hadn't been able to help it. "The little beast attacked me; it cut me with that spear it was carrying." Ruth Ortheris looked up.

He did not consider it necessary to explain his presence, but he did feel that talking would help her recover her breath and her color. "It's a plumb nuisance to have the nosebleed so much," he added plaintively. Val was still trembling and staring at him with her odd, yellow-brown eyes.

In small wounds the flow is easily checked by binding cotton or linen fiber over the place. The absorbent cotton, sold in small packages at drug stores, is excellent for this purpose and should be kept in every home. A simple method of checking "nosebleed" is that of drawing air through the bleeding nostril, while the other nostril is compressed with the finger.

In fact, the only part of the Bible that he had ever read was a few verses in the small New Testament that had belonged to his mother; and he had read these because he had heard that the reading of certain passages would stop the toothache and relieve the nosebleed.

The next morning my father, apparently as an accompaniment of his cold, was visited by a severe nosebleed; no importance was attached to it, beyond its preventing him from going forth to superintend the examination of our luggage at the custom-house the mountain having been registered through from London. This duty was, therefore, done by Miss Shepard and my mother.

For perhaps the hundredth time I asked myself if I was dreaming; if this person in a French disguise, speeding through the night with a blue-clad German beside him, a German suffering, by the way, from a headache, the last stages of a nosebleed, and a pronounced dislike for me as the agency responsible for his ailments, was really Devereux Bayne.

The first symptoms of weakening of the compensation are irregularity in the beat and venous congestion of the head and face, causing bluing of the lips, often nosebleed, and sometimes hemoptysis and insomnia. Later the usual series of disturbances from dilatation of the right ventricle occurs.

"That blood on her frock's just nosebleed," she said; "but I think the car went over her! I assure you we were running very slowly. How it happened ! But I don't think she was struck." "Nosebleed!" Margaret echoed, with a great breath. "No," she said quietly, over the agitated little head; "I don't think she's much hurt. We'll take her in.

How much patience is necessary with those boys of the lower first, all toothless, like old men, who cannot pronounce their r's and s's; and one coughs, and another has the nosebleed, and another loses his shoes under the bench, and another bellows because he has pricked himself with his pen, and another one cries because he has bought copy-book No. 2 instead of No. 1.

They did not take the path around the pond, but plunged through the muddy water, without even lifting their skirts. They came on, screaming and clawing the air. By this time Ambrosch had come to his senses and was sputtering with nosebleed. Jake sprang into his saddle. 'Let's get out of this, Jim, he called. Mrs.