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All these and more knew him and his armour and Falcon his horse, and gave him the sele of the day, and he was nowise troubled at meeting them; for besides that they thought it no wonder to meet one of the lords of Upmeads going armed about his errands, their own errands were close at home, and it was little likely that they should go that day so far as to Upmeads Water, seeing that it ran through the meadows a half-score miles to the north-ward.

The deflection north-ward from the normal course of the ship as she approached the coast, bound for the latitude of the Hudson, required only to be so trifling that the best sailor of the Pilgrim leaders would not be likely to note or criticise it, and it was by no means uncommon to make Cape Cod as the first landfall on Virginia voyages.

And I, maybe, to wander a thousand miles wrong; if, in truth, I were not into some dreadful trouble before. And, indeed, no reason of value was there to give me hope that the Lesser Pyramid lay either to the West, or where the Road went North-ward, beyond the House of Silence.

For more than a month I journeyed and sojourned in a beautiful river valley and among the low foot-hills of the mountains. The weather was fair, the scenery was pleasing, and at last I came to believe that I had passed the boundaries of Cathay. I took no tablets from my little box. I did not feel that I had need of them. In the course of time I ceased to travel north-ward.

I was desirous of falling in with it about Cape Howe, which is in latitude 37° 30' south, and longitude 150° 00' east, and from thence to have run down along the coast to Botany-bay; but the wind prevailed so long from the north-ward and north-west, that we could not fetch that part of the coast.

He knows your story; you will dine together at Huntingdon; and perhaps your wise heads may hit upon some plan for removing or diminishing the danger of your farther progress north-ward. 'I am ashamed, my dear Colonel 'Nay, said Colonel Talbot, 'you should command my purse in any event; but this money is your own.

"In safety, surely," said the rider, "and in such honour as her outbreak has left her. I bid your reverence farewell, I must be on horse before cock-crow." "What, in the dark! how knowest thou which way to go?" "I tracked the knight's horse-tread as far as near to the ford, as we rode along together," said Christie, "and I observed the track turn to the north-ward.

The immediate coast from Kio-kath-li Inlet north-ward to Cape Knox, is less precipitous than further south, but more dangerous to navigators by reason of its many out-lying reefs and rocks and the absence of harbors.

Seeing the coast still stretched to the south, we resolved to change our course and stand to the north-ward, and as we still had the same difficulty, we drew in with the land and sent a boat on shore.

CAPE KNOX, the extreme north-western land of Graham Island, extends boldly out to sea about four miles in a south-westerly direction from the head of Lepas Bay. There are four off-lying rocks, the farthest out being over three miles from the cape, upon which the sea is almost always breaking. Reaching Cape Knox, to the north-ward five or six miles may be seen the north-west point of