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It comes from Norden and has no direct information about the Mekinese. But there's a man named Morgan with a very important letter for the Minister for Diplomatic Affairs. It's from the Minister for Diplomatic Affairs on Norden." Bors said sardonically, "Maybe he should wait a few days or hours and give it to the Mekinese!

The barge I had seen locking through was creeping across towards Langeoog behind a tug and a wisp of smoke. No more exploration by daylight! That was my first resolve, for I felt as if the country must be ringing with reports of an Englishman in disguise. I must remain in hiding till dusk, then regain the railway and slink into that train to Norden.

Beyond that a definite scheme of action had still to be thought out. One thing, however, was sure. I was determined to be at Norden to-morrow night, the 25th. A word about Norden, which is a small town seven miles south of Norddeich.

Remember, we heard on Norden that the dictator of Mekin consults fortune-tellers!" "Ah!" said her father. "But they're only fortune-tellers!" "One could be a Talent," said Gwenlyn worriedly, "maybe without even knowing it." There came a far-distant, roaring sound. Something silvery and glistening rose swiftly toward the sky. It dwindled to a speck. There were more roarings.

But the tide was full, and the waters blank for miles round till they merged in haze. Soon I drifted down into the saloon, and crouching over a stove pulled out that scrap of paper. Leave again via Hook 8.52, London 9 am. The coast-station their rondezvous querry is it Norden? High-water there on 25th, say 10.30 to 11 p.m.

Taylor already was running toward the factory. At his heels came Masters and Pember. They found no sign of Norden as they approached the factory. Several times they had to take cover in ditches and weeds as whispering spheres floated overhead in search of prey. But they escaped the electrical feelers which stirred the grass and brush around them.

Furthermore it may be safely assumed that the bitterness of the natives is to be ascribed to German tyranny, which culminated, as Norden relates on p.16 of his book, in the strangling of a number of natives, including chiefs of tribes just before the advent of the British. Still his book has had due influence on German public opinion.

"Norden escaped, sir!" he blurted. "The dirty so-and-so cracked me over the head with the trench tool and got away!" "I never thought he'd turn yellow," Masters said. "Well, maybe it's a good thing he's gone. I never trusted him anyhow." "Which way did he go?" Taylor asked. "He went toward the factory, sir!" Pember replied. "He didn't knock me out. Just a glancing blow.

It quickened with the straining eagerness of the Norden as the slim craft leaped through the water. Even the drone of thunder and the beat of rain urged him on. To him there was nothing absurd in the quest he was about to make. It was the least he could do, and the only honest thing he could do, he kept telling himself. And there was a chance that he would find her.

Taylor took one step forward. Norden faced him unflinchingly. Taylor's hand shot out, caught Norden's coat and threw him after Masters. "Don't leave me alone!" Orkins cried, crawling after Norden and clasping him about the legs. Norden kicked him aside. "Keep moving!" Taylor ordered Norden, who had halted. Norden did not move. Taylor swung his fist.