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"By extracting one or more of the party's back teeth," announced the "expert" gravely, at the same time producing a huge pair of horseshoeing nippers. Chino uttered a howl, but was violently restrained from bolting. He was understood to say that he didn't want that mare.

Cutlery: Knives, forks, and spoons Salt cellars Cruet stands Punch and toddy Porringers and cups Trays and waiters The tea table Cream jugs Sugar tongs and nippers Caddies Cupids Nutcrackers Turned woodware.

It designates the dark, glutinous substance which is scraped off the back of the Greenland or right whale, and much of which covers the decks of those inferior souls who hunt that ignoble Leviathan. Nippers. Strictly this word is not indigenous to the whale's vocabulary. But as applied by whalemen, it becomes so.

Four hairs I can prove the statement if it be desired did pull themselves loose from my scalp in their insane desire to rise above the terrors of the situation, and, flying upward, stuck like nails into the oak ceiling directly over my head, whence they had to be pulled the next morning with nippers by our hired man, who would no doubt testify to the truth of the occurrence as I have asserted it if he were still living, which, unfortunately, he is not.

Now from the point of each wing sprang out thin lines of men, looking like great horns, or nippers, whose business it was to meet and cut them off. Could they pass between them before they did meet? That was the question, and upon its answer it depended whether or no they had another three minutes to live.

"You settled, then, two days after the boat disappeared. Fast work. Nobody up here would steal the boat. Too much distance between ports run short of gasoline, you know, on her limited tank capacity and if anybody had purchased cased gasoline around here to load on deck, you'd know of it. Hard to conceal or disguise a forty-foot boat, too." His fingers closed like steel nippers over Mr.

"You know, pumice would be better for that, but somehow I don't like the idea." "Nothing of the sort," said Tish. "The double clamshell merely forms a pair of Indian nippers. I'm going to pull it out." But he made quite a fuss about it, and said he didn't care whether the Indians did it or not, he wouldn't.

He pulled up the sleeve of his jacket, and Frank pinched him pretty hard, so that Dick winced. "Yes, I guess I'm awake," said Dick; "you've got a pair of nippers, you have. But what shall I do with my brush and blacking?" he asked. "You can leave them here till we come back," said Frank. "They will be safe."

The nippers and dividers are oval in shape, and the cups have become decidedly narrow. The nippers show a well-defined dark streak just in front of the cups. This is the beginning of the dental star. NINE YEARS. The appearance of the table surface is more characteristic at this time than the previous year.

"I never yet had any trouble finding a crime to charge a man with, once I got the nippers on him." "That's so," interjected the plain-clothes man. "Did you ever know it was a crime to mismanage a steam boiler? Well, it is." "Quite right," agreed Mr. Magnus, the indictment clerk.