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When Wendy returned diffidently she found Peter sitting on the bed-post crowing gloriously, while Jane in her nighty was flying round the room in solemn ecstasy. "She is my mother," Peter explained; and Jane descended and stood by his side, with the look in her face that he liked to see on ladies when they gazed at him. "He does so need a mother," Jane said. "Yes, I know."

These two weeks past we have had the Infant with us at night, clad in a light woollen monkey-suit nighty with feet, her crib being, however, under cover. Her open-eyed wonder has been a new phase of the vacation.

"You can't create a 'nighty' or call it from the vasty deep." "That's what I mean to do: call one from the vasty deep; hook it up like a rare fish." She laughed. "What bait will you use?" "I don't know yet. But I'm going to find out. And you shall have the 'nighty, as you call it, by the time you want it." "You'd better not pledge yourself." "I do. I've failed you often enough since we started!

"His back'll be bad to-morrow if he lies on the floor." "The ugly man will make him go to bed, because if he doesn't they won't have anywhere to walk," she said, determined to save his arm at any cost. "D'you think so?" he asked eagerly. "Yes, quite sure. He'll be quite safe. Where's your nighty?" He darted into Number 15 and came back with a minute bundle. "I don't have to have nighties now.

She was the most celebrated baby of the Gardens, and lived in the palace all alone, with ever so many dolls, so people rang the bell, and up she got out of her bed, though it was past six o'clock, and she lighted a candle and opened the door in her nighty, and then they all cried with great rejoicings, 'Hail, Queen of England! What puzzled David most was how she knew where the matches were kept.

She was the most celebrated baby of the Gardens, and lived in the palace all alone, with ever so many dolls, so people rang the bell, and up she got out of her bed, though it was past six o'clock, and she lighted a candle and opened the door in her nighty, and then they all cried with great rejoicings, "Hail, Queen of England!" What puzzled David most was how she knew where the matches were kept.

People go to sleep every night, and of course I know it's the place where I do the things I dream, but I want to know WHERE it is and how I get there and back without knowing anything about it . . . and in my nighty too. Where is it?" Anne was kneeling at the west gable window watching the sunset sky that was like a great flower with petals of crocus and a heart of fiery yellow.

Lynde or Marilla, there now!" Nevertheless, when Davy was garbed in his gray flannel nighty, he did not seem in a hurry to begin. He stood before Anne, shuffling one bare foot over the other, and looked undecided. "Come, dear, kneel down," said Anne. Davy came and buried his head in Anne's lap, but he did not kneel down. "Anne," he said in a muffled voice. "I don't feel like praying after all.

When Wendy returned diffidently she found Peter sitting on the bed-post crowing gloriously, while Jane in her nighty was flying round the room in solemn ecstasy. 'She is my mother, Peter explained; and Jane descended and stood by his side, with the look on her face that he liked to see on ladies when they gazed at him. 'He does so need a mother, Jane said.

The False Hare wiped away a tear, and none of the dreams seemed to consider the description correct. Sandy shook his head again, as he glanced at Ann in her nighty, her ruffled curls tumbling over her flushed face Ann without patchwork, thimble, or pleased expression! "Afraid you won't do, miss," said he, looking quite sorry for her. "Let's see what's next.