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This salt-free diet has been recommended not only in nephritis and heart disease, but also in diabetes insipidus and in epilepsy.

So common is this particular result of prolonged emotion that some one has said, "When the stocks go down in New York, diabetes goes up." Nephritis, also, may result from emotional stress, because of the strain put upon the kidneys by the unconsumed activating substances. The increased heart action and the presence of these activating secretions may cause myocarditis and heart degeneration.

Many heart patients are overdrugged. This sort of treatment is contraindicated in some kinds of heart disease, as heart weakness due to arteriosclerosis with high blood pressure, to aneurysm of the thoracic or abdominal aorta, and to nephritis.

It is of value if there is edema in nephritis; it is of doubtful value in heart disease; it is rarely of value in diabetes insipidus; and in epilepsy its value consists probably in allowing the bromid that may be administered to have better activity in smaller doses, the bromin salt being substituted in the metabolism for the chlorin salt.

There was chronic interstitial nephritis. It is doubtful whether her beliefs were delusional: "can never be better," "will not be taken care of," "no place for her." "Subacute melancholia. The heart was normal. Death from ileocolitis. Moderate chronic internal hydrocephalus. Dr. Both mother and father died, and patient was in several hospitals after 36, obscene, denudative, onanist.

In case no anamnesis is obtainable the functional nature of the trouble may be recognized by the absence of those physical signs which characterize the organic stupors. One sees no violent changes in respiration, pulse or blood-pressure, such as are present in the intoxication comas of diabetes or nephritis. There is no characteristic odor to the breath, and the urine is relatively normal.

Many times such patients, as well as occasionally trained athletes, and sometimes patients with arteriosclerosis or chronic interstitial nephritis complain of unpleasant throbbing sensations of the heart added to these sensations are a feeling of fulness in the head, flushing of the face, and possibly dizziness all symptoms not only of hypertension but of too great cardiac activity.

Tenesmus, diarrhoea, the motions containing blood and mucus. Dysuria, with passage of small amounts of albuminous and bloody urine. Peritonitis, high temperature, quick pulse, headache, loss of sensibility, and convulsions. Post-Mortem. Gastro-intestinal mucous membrane inflamed, with gangrenous patches. Genito-urinary tract inflamed. Acute nephritis. Treatment. Tests.

If it is permitted to count XIV also as renal, a list of eight cases out of the original list of eleven unpleasant-delusion cases is obtained in which nephritis of some type has been found. Case XIII, nephritis and phthisis, belongs also in the renal group. Death from internal hemorrhagic pachymeningitis. The liver of this case weighed 1074 grams and was fatty.