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She had been ill-treated by husband, child had died, another had followed soon. She developed a belief that she was Eve and had to suffer. At hospital decided that she was in purgatory and expressed a variety of other religious beliefs. She also thought she was ill-treated at hospital. Her head was asymmetrical: skull thick and eburnated. Chronic interstitial nephritis.

"Life grows is capable of doing something." This assurance positively encourages us. "It grows by selection and interstitial appropriation." This is still more encouraging. It emboldens us to take a second step forward. Life, we feel, is increasing in potentiality. "By appropriation it enables new matter to assume similar qualities to old matter."

Death is, therefore, necessarily the condition of life, and the more energetic the function of a part or, if we compare different animals with one another the more active the mode of existence, correspondingly, the greater the waste and the more numerous the deaths of the interstitial constituents.

When the implanted ovaries are able to resist the influence of their new surroundings, the female interstitial gland, which Steinach calls the puberty gland, develops so much that an intensification of the female character takes place: the animals are smaller than normal females, the milk glands develop and secrete milk, which can be easily pressed out, and if young are given to them they suckle them and show all the maternal instincts.

There are special forms of cells besides those described; nettle cells for capturing food, interstitial cells, etc., but these do not concern us. The distance from the single-celled amoeba to hydra is vast, probably really greater than that between any other successive terms of our series.

In 14 cases the transmission was direct from the father to the child, and in 11 cases it was direct from the mother to the infant. The hemorrhagic symptoms of bleeders may be divided into external bleedings, either spontaneous or traumatic; interstitial bleedings, petechiae, and ecchymoses; and the joint-affections.

He elaborated on the discoveries and experiments of Professor Leonard Huxley in England with thyroid gland injections, of Voronoff in France with the grafting of interstitial glands of monkeys, and of Eugen Steinach in Austria and Roux in Germany, with germ glands and X-rays. Steinach, especially, he discoursed on, and drew a magazine picture of him from his Prince Albert.

It may be remarked, however, in criticism of this conclusion that the descent of the testes being itself a somatic sexual character of the male, its failure when the interstitial cells are normal and the spermatic cells defective, would rather tend to prove that the defect of the latter is itself the cause of cryptorchidism.

The results of Steinach, if confirmed, would prove conclusively that the ovaries and testes produce hormones which determine the development of all the sexual characters, not merely physical but psychical. He adopts the view that the interstitial cells or gland are the source of the active hormone.

They may be said to enjoy a degree of independence, by virtue of their foregoing as much as may be of the advantages offered by modern industrial specialisation. So also there are the minor and interstitial trades that are still carried on by handicraft methods; these, too, are still somewhat loosely held in the fabric of the business system.