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The old man interrupted his own narrative, however. "There," he cried, "is Juliette on that wall overhanging the river. It is where the English effected a breach long ago, my friend you need not smile, for you are no Englishman and the chateau has only been taken twice through all the centuries of fighting. There! She ventures still farther.

Our discussion so far tonight suggests that we want the church to be what we need it to be. We want God cut down to our own pattern and size. It may be that our church is too small for God, and that we'll turn out to be a religious, but godless, club." "But how could that happen to us?" protested Mrs. Strait. "If we do what's right, God will love us and use us as His obedient servants."

They must from morning to night train the mind to be steady, and direct and keep the energies at work. The lower area of the brain is the store house of the energy. Most all persons have all the dynamic energy they need if they would concentrate it. They have the machine, but they must also have the engineer, or they will not go very far. The engineer is the self-regulating, directing power.

We need scarcely add that Angela admitted, with a look of surprise, that she did, and was overwhelmed with joy on finding that her sister was a happy inmate of the consul's villa, and that in a short time she would be permitted to see her.

O my countrywomen, I long to see you stand under the time and bear it up in your strong hearts, and not need to be borne up through it. I wish you to stimulate, and not crave stimulants from others. I wish you to be the consolers, the encouragers, the sustainers, and not tremble in perpetual need of consolation and encouragement.

If I had put my hands over my ears, if I had crouched back, away from the door, and covered my head, I need not have overheard. But I pressed as close as I could to the panel, and hardly breathed, because I wanted not to miss a word. And I didn't miss a word. I heard what it was never meant I should hear, and I'm nothing but a common eavesdropper!" "Now, what do you think of that?" observed Mrs.

"You have floated her, but the job's not finished," he said. "I expect you mean to bring off the cargo you landed and you'll need a fresh gang of native boys. Well, I can help." "You imply you can bother us if we don't agree?" Brown remarked. "Something like that! I can certainly make things awkward.

I tell you this now, but you will need to remember it when we come to the Owls, who have curious ways of keeping too much light from their eyes. "The iris in birds, as in House People, may be of many different colors red, as in the Vireo I told you about, and as you now know it is with the Towhee. Each has a brother with white eyes.

The poetry of the man-of-war still clings to the "three-decker out of the foam" of the past; it is too soon yet for it to have cast a mischievous halo about the modern battle-ship; and I looked at the New York and the Texas and the Brooklyn and the rest, and thought, "Ah, but for you, and our need of proving your dire efficiency, perhaps we could have got on with the wickedness of Spanish rule in Cuba, and there had been no war!"

The need for a Navy, and the size of the Navy, depends upon policy, either our own policy, or the policy of the prospective aggressor; and to know something of that, and its adjustment, is surely an integral part of national defence.