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Well, during the six years that I have studied this question, I have seen and seen again, ad nauseam; and I am in a position to declare that there is no order governing the sequence of hatchings, absolutely none. The first cocoon to burst may be the one at the bottom of the tube, the one at the top, the one in the middle or in any other part, indifferently.

The Oriental mind, we have been told, cannot do this; Oriental prejudices and idiosyncrasies and modes of thought and hereditary influences will not admit of that; the traditions of the Far East, that mysterious thing, will prevent the other we have been told all this, I repeat, and told it ad nauseam.

Dewey in particular has insisted almost ad nauseam that the whole meaning of our cognitive states and processes lies in the way they intervene in the control and revaluation of independent existences or facts. His account of knowledge is not only absurd, but meaningless, unless independent existences be there of which our ideas take account, and for the transformation of which they work.

It seemed that there is more than one kind of measles and that one can go on having one variety after another, ad nauseam, so to speak. "The case is well developed you should have called me yesterday," said young Doc rebukingly. "I knew you were sick yesterday!" chided mother. "And to think I let you go to that party!" "Party?" queried young Doc. "What party? when?"

I mean the word 'loyalty, upon which the changes are daily and hourly sung ad nauseam. "I have no objection, however, to the word if it be rightly applied. It signifies 'fidelity to a prince or sovereign. Now if loyalty is required of us, it should be to the Sovereign. Where is this Sovereign?

He, furthermore, blamed it for the temperature of drinks in summer time, in a place where no ice was procurable. This he regarded as wholly unfair. Then, too, possessing something of an artistic eye, he failed to appreciate the necessity for changing the delicate hues of nature in spring to a monotonous summer tone by the overbearing process of continuing its spring blessing ad nauseam.

They die early, like Alexander; they are murdered, like Cæsar; transported to St. Helena, like Napoleon. Thus in modern times it has been demonstrated ad nauseam that princes are generally unhappy on their thrones; in consideration of which the possession of a throne is tolerated, and men acquiesce in the fact that not themselves but the personages in question are its occupants.

It is pitiable, and indeed revolting, in this country where the excess of women is so marked, to hear from year to year the comments of men upon the supposed degeneration of women, upon their unnatural selfishness, their desire to invade spheres which do not belong to them, and so forth and so forth ad nauseam; whilst these commentators are themselves hand in hand with drink, with war and with Mammon, destroying male children of all ages in disproportionate excess, sending our manhood to be slain in war, and sending it also in the cause of industry that is to say, in the cause of gold to our colonies, as if the culture of the racial life were not the vital industry of any people.

His friends protest against this judgment, and attribute it, ad nauseam, to "malevolence" and "envy." He is "teeming with noble thoughts," and these will put his work "on a level with the masterpieces of the Italian masters of the sixteenth century."

Statesmanship in the higher sense of the word was absent from every decision the delegates took and from every suggestion they proffered. Nor was it only by omission that they sinned. Their invincible turn for circuitous methods, to which severer critics give a less sonorous name, was manifested ad nauseam.