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After approaching just near enough to see the countenances of the party on shore, and to be barked at lustily by the dog, they turned the boat's head again toward the offing. "A pleasant voyage, gentlemen," cried the clear voice of the little girl. They waved their hats in return; and then saw her run to the dog and take him by the forelegs. "Play, Nanina," they heard her say.

But supposing you did meet with priests at the palace, what then?" "Nothing," said Nanina, constrainedly. She turned pale, and walked away as she spoke. Her great dread, in returning to Pisa, was the dread of meeting with Father Rocco again. She had never forgotten her first discovery at Florence of his distrust of her.

Be warned! For your own sake and for Fabio's, be warned in time." Nanina stretched out her hands toward the priest in despair. "Oh, Father Rocco! Father Rocco!" she cried, "why did you not tell me this before?" "Because, my child, I only knew of the necessity for telling you to-day. But it is not too late; it is never too late to do a good action. You love Fabio, Nanina?

"Rather an awkward business," replied the little man, recovering himself uneasily after his third bow. "The dressmaker, named Nanina, whom you placed under my wife's protection about a year ago " "What of her?" inquired the priest eagerly. "I regret to say she has left us, with her child-sister, and their very disagreeable dog, that growls at everybody." "When did they go?" "Only yesterday.

The little man hesitated, and made a fourth bow. "You remember your private instructions to my wife and myself, when you first brought Nanina to our house?" he said, looking away rather uneasily while he spoke. "Yes; you were to watch her, but to take care that she did not suspect you.

If we cannot open the shutters and show him the sky outside, we shall never convert him to a knowledge of the truth." Saying these words, the doctor turned to lead the way out of the room, and observed Nanina, who had moved from the bedside on his entrance, standing near the door.

Nanina was thinking again of all that the physician had said the day before by Fabio's bedside, and these thoughts brought with them others, equally absorbing, that were connected with the mysterious story of the young nobleman's adventure with the Yellow Mask. Thus preoccupied, she had little attention left for the gambols of the dog. Even the beauty of the morning appealed to her in vain.

He goes out every day by himself, we can't tell where, and generally returns licking his chops, which makes us afraid that he is a thief; but nobody finds him out, because he is the cleverest dog that ever lived! The child ran on in this way about the great beast by the fireplace, till I was obliged to stop her; while that simpleton Nanina stood by, laughing and encouraging her.

As the clock struck four Nanina was requested to take possession of a window-seat, and to wait there until she was summoned. When she had obeyed, the doctor loosened one of the window-curtains, to hide her from the view of any one entering the room. About a quarter of an hour elapsed, and then the door was thrown open, and Brigida herself was shown into the study.

You need not bring them to my rooms; I will come and see you this evening, when I am going my rounds among my parishioners, and will take the mats away with me. You are a good girl, Nanina you have always been a good girl and as long as I am alive, my child, you shall never want a friend and an adviser." Nanina's eyes filled with tears.