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On the window-sill of her little hanging chamber, which the women allowed him to inspect, he found some threads of long, black, glossy hair caught by a splinter in the wood. They were Myrtle's of course.

He says he has been too hard in his sermons sometimes, but it was for fear he should not impress his hearers enough." "Don't you think he worries himself about the souls of young women rather more than for those of old ones, Myrtle?" There was something in the tone of this question that helped its slightly sarcastic expression. Myrtle's jealousy for her minister's sincerity was roused.

Myrtle had suggested that he was interested in her. What ridiculous nonsense! If his father said anything on that score the other would discover that he was no longer a boy. Besides, such insinuations were a breach of hospitality. How Mrs. Winscombe would laugh at them if she suspected Myrtle's cheap folly. She had asked him to call her Ludowika.

'Certainly, my good girl, she said, 'and take a glass and some cakes for yourself too. That is a nice-mannered girl, she added to Jacinth and Frances. 'She is both modest and sensible. 'Yes, said Jacinth, 'we like her very much. Aunt Alison got her for us before we came here. Lady Myrtle's face grew grave. 'Is Aunt Alison the relation you live with? she asked. 'Is her name Mrs Alison?

That she was slow in confessing the impression they made upon her, was a favorable sign; so many girls called his poems "sweet pooty," that those charming words, though soothing, no longer stirred him deeply. Myrtle's silence showed that the impression his verses had made was deep.

She was rattling on without affording me the slightest opportunity to slip in a word explanatory, when her glance chanced to fall upon some one who was approaching us through the throng. "Oh, by the way, Colonel, there is another of Myrtle's old schoolmates present to-night a most intimate friend, indeed, who would never forgive me if I permitted you to go without meeting her."

"Daisy the one lying down is by a shorthorn bull out of a Guernsey cow," announced Luke in a hushed voice, which was in keeping with the foregoing impression. "Is she?" said Bordenby, rather as if he had expected her to be by Rembrandt. "Myrtle is " Myrtle's family history was cut short by a little scream from the women of the party.

But she had no reason for misgiving: she knew she had never since her eyes had been awakened to the prejudice and jealousy she was in danger of yielding to never felt or expressed anything but sincere esteem and affection for Lady Myrtle's relations. 'I don't want to hear anything in particular, papa, she said gently, 'but just as you like, of course.

He called again at The Poplars a few days afterwards, and was met in the entry by Miss Cynthia, with whom he had a long conversation on matters involving Myrtle's interests and their own. Mr. Clement Lindsay returned to the city and his usual labors in a state of strange mental agitation. He had received an impression for which he was unprepared.

I wonder how would be the best way to tell her? Jacinth will know she is so much cleverer than I, and then she is sure to be Lady Myrtle's favourite. I am glad she is, for in spite of what Bessie and Margaret say, I don't feel as if I could ever like that old lady.