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There's nothing to do but to walk about the streets. On the whole it does far more harm than good. 'Do they never go to church? asked Adela. She was experiencing a sort of irritation against their guest, a feeling traceable to more than one source; Mutimer's frequent glances did not tend to soothe it. She asked the question rather in a spirit of adverse criticism.

You would feel less hampered. I am sure you will consent to this. Mutimer's smile died away. He avoided Mrs. Waltham's face, and let his eyes pass in a cold gaze from Letty, who almost shrank, to Adela, who stood with an air of patience. 'What do you say to this? he asked of his wife, in a tone civil indeed, but very far from cordial.

Charity begins at 'ome, eh, mates? 'What do you mean by that? inquired a voice. 'Why, isn't his brother what's his name? Bill Jack ''Arry, corrected Daniel. 'To be sure, 'Arry; I don't know him myself, but I 'eard talk of him. It's him as is doin' his three months' 'ard labour. 'That ain't no fault o' Dick Mutimer's, asserted the apologist. 'He always was a bad 'un, that 'Arry.

One of Mutimer's greatest anxieties had been lest he should have a difficulty henceforth in supporting his mother in the old house. The economical plan would have been for Adela and himself to go and live with the old woman, but he felt that to be impossible.

There were no longer the objections to 'Arry's appearance at Wanley that had existed previous to Richard's marriage; none the less the resolution was courageous, and proved the depth of Mutimer's anxiety for his brother. Having got the old woman to Wilton Square, and Alice to the Manor, it would have been easy enough to bid Mr. Henry Mutimer betake himself whither his mind directed him.

But Kate's chief complaint against her was her determination to receive no help save in the way of opportunity to earn money. This was something more than, ordinary pride. Emma suffered intensely in the recollection that she had lived at Mutimer's expense during the very months when he was seeking the love of another woman, and casting about for means of abandoning herself.

'Certainly, and inside the railway carriages. Mutimer's private line, which ran from the works to Agworth station, was to convey visitors to New Wanley on this occasion. 'I think I shall have three or four ladies, Richard pursued 'Mrs. Westlake 'll be sure to come', and I think Mrs. Eddlestone the wife of the Trades Union man, you know. And I've been rather calculating on you, Mrs.

'I tell you what it is, you three! Alfred cried, at a certain climax of enthusiasm, addressing the ladies with characteristic courtesy, 'we'll found a branch of the Union in Wanley; I mean, in our particular circle of thickheads. Then, as soon as Mutimer's settlement gets going, we can coalesce. Now you two girls give next week to going round and soliciting subscriptions for the "Fiery Cross."

She would not allow it to be seen more than she could help; cheerful activity in the life of home was one of her moral duties, and she strove hard to sustain it. It was a relief to find herself alone each night, alone with her sickness of heart. The repugnance aroused in her by the thought of becoming Mutimer's wife was rather instinctive than reasoned.

In view of Mutimer's self-command, Hubert began to be aware that his own constraint might carry the air of petty resentment Fear of that drove him upon a topic he would rather have left alone. 'You are changing the appearance of the valley, he said, veiling by his tone the irony which was evident in his choice of words.