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There seems no great modesty in the estimate which Mr. Moxon thus exhibits of his own superior powers, but we fear there is, at least, as much modesty as truth for really, so far from being "bound" within the narrow limit of the sonnet, it seems to us to be a world too wide For his shrunk shank. Ordinary sonneteers, as we have said, will spin a single thought through the fourteen lines.

The young man wrought himself up into such a state of agitation and excitement that he never reached Marsh-End nor saw Mr. Moxon at all that day. He turned, and bent his steps by a circuitous path to a woodland nook where he had left his friend Christie at work a couple of hours ago. "Back again so soon?

Why, her very voice had another, softer tone when she spoke to him; his name was music from her lips. The rector went on, explaining the fame and anticipated future of Mr. Cecil Burleigh in a vaguely confidential manner, until they came to a spot where two ways met, and Harry abruptly said, "I was going to Littlemire to call on Mr. Moxon, and this is my road."

Moxon for the work he has done for the office upon the King's globes, I to my office, where very late busy upon Captain Tayler's bills for his masts, which I think will never off my hand. Home to supper and to bed. 30th. Up and all the morning at the office.

This came first in the series which appeared in the years 1841-46, under the odd title of "Bells and Pomegranates." There were eight numbers of this publication thin, yellow-covered pamphlets, printed in double columns of small type, by Mr. Moxon; surely us unattractive a way as a poet ever attempted of bringing his wares before the world.

Dunstan Church, in Fleet Street, had huge figures which struck the hours, and which disappeared with the church, pulled down to make room for the present one some time before 1831. They are mentioned in Emily Barton's story in Mrs. Moxon records that Lamb shed tears when the figures were taken away. Drury Lane.

On April 16 he wrote again as follows: Dear Sir, Your communication gladdened the cockles of my heart. I lost no time in presenting myself to Moxon, but no sooner was Mr. Clarke's letter perused than the Moxonian visage loured exceedingly thereat the Moxonian accent grew dolorous thereupon: 'Artevelde' has not paid expenses by about thirty odd pounds.

Admiral Burney lived only six months longer, dying in November. Canon Ainger pointed out that when Lamb was revising this essay for its appearance in the Last Essays of Elia, he was, like the admiral, about to lose by marriage Emma Isola, who was to him and his sister what Miss Burney had been to her parents. She married Edward Moxon in July, 1833. An unseasonable disposition to levity.

You will oblige me indeed by forwarding the introduction to Moxon. I merely suggested him in particular, on account of his good name and fame among author-folk, besides he has himself written as the Americans say 'more poetry 'an you can shake a stick at. So I hope we shall come to terms.

The Young Ladies' Guide in the Art of Cookery. By Elizabeth Marshall. 8vo, Newcastle, 1777. English Housewifery Exhibited in above 450 Receipts. By Elizabeth Moxon. The Practice of Modern Cookery. By George Dalrymple. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1781. By Charlotte Mason. 8vo, London, 1786. Second edition. Woodcuts by Bewick. 12mo, London, 1791.