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Aft, you looked down into the motor-room, with a big monster of machinery, which I respected but didn't understand. From that, when you'd crossed a little passage, you had to go down some more steps into a cabin which was so charming that I stood still on the threshold, and said, "Oh!" "Why, it's prettier than our drawing-room!" exclaimed Phil; "and my favorite colors too, green and white.

You've got to volplane as you never did before." "And I'm going to do it!" cried the young millionaire. The motor-room was now free from smoke, and the fire was out. A pile of charred waste in one corner showed where it had started. "That's the trouble insulation burned off!" cried Mr. Vardon, as he made a quick inspection. "I think I can fix it, Dick, if you can keep her up long enough.

At the stern of the big bag was the motor-room, where gas was generated to fill the balloon compartments when necessary, where the gasoline and electrical apparatus were installed, and where the real motive power of the craft was located. Here, also, was carried the large quantity of gasoline and oil needed for a long voyage.

All three suspended cabins were connected by a long covered runway, so that one could pass from the pilot-house to the motor-room and back again through the amidship cabin. At the extreme end of the big bag were the various rudders and planes, designed to keep the craft on a level keel, automatically, and to enable it to make headway against a strong wind.

"All right!" answered the young millionaire. "We'll do our best to get out of your way, Uncle Ezra!" As Dick hastened to the motor-room, Grit trotted after him, growling in his deep voice at the mention of the name of the man he so disliked. Dick realized the emergency, and turned the gasolene throttle wide open.

In the front of the cabin was a small pilothouse, in which the operator would have his place. From there he could guide the craft, and control it in every possible way. There was a sleeping cabin, fitted with bunks, a combined kitchen and dining-room, a small living-room, and the motor-room. Of course the latter took up the most space, being the most important.

The propellers, as I have said, could be reached from the open deck, and thither Mr. Vardon, Dick, and Lieutenant McBride took themselves, while Paul, Innis and Larry would look after the progress of the craft from the pilot-house and motor-room. Slowly Dick's airship went along, just enough speed being maintained to prevent her settling.

Mound, the engineer, and his assistant, came hurrying in from the motor-room, followed by Koku. "We found him chained up," Jerry explained, as the big giant, freed from his captivity, rubbed his chafed wrists. "Are there any of the foreigners back there? "Only those two knocked out by the lightning," the engineer explained. "We've made them secure. I see you've got things here in shape."

"What is the matter with that dog?" asked Dick, in a puzzled voice. Grit's howl changed to a bark, and at the same moment, Larry Dexter, who was passing, cried out: "Fire! There's a fire in the motor-room! Where are the extinguishers?" A black cloud of smoke rushed out, enveloping Grit, who howled dismally. "What did it?" "Had we better descend?" "Everybody get busy!" "Fire extinguishers here!"

The gale had now almost completely died out, and the Abaris was making good time, and on her proper course, when the fire was discovered. "The fire is scattered!" Dick yelled, as he rose up and took another look in the motor-room. "I guess it was only that little tank of gasolene that went up." Afterward this was found to be so.