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If it hadn't been for him, it's food for the fishes ye'd be now. The Lord was merciful to ye, lad; for I'm misdoubting if ye were fit for heaven. Though it's not for me to judge, ye have a black look betimes, as if God's grace wasn't in yer heart. This ought to be a lesson to ye, a lesson that ye should never forget." "I'm not likely to forget it," was the grim answer. "I couldn't if I tried."

Peter hesitated, misdoubting him of the wisdom of this display, who, if he could have his will, would have sent the Spaniard's following to the tavern, and received him in sober garments to a simple meal. But Castell, who seemed somewhat disturbed that night, who loved, moreover, to show his wealth at times after the fashion of a Jew, began to fume and ask if he must go himself.

Then Sir Bors grieved sorely, misdoubting almost whether he should not have rescued his own brother rather than the lady; and at the last, he dug a grave and buried the dead man; after which he rode sorrowfully on his way. When he had ridden many days, he met with a yeoman whom he asked if there were any adventures in those parts.

Happiness bubbled within her like a spring; overshadowed by a little awe, but not to be held down. Almost at the last moment she must take Mrs. Strongtharm into her confidence. She could not help it. "Granny," she whispered. "Sakes!" exclaimed Mrs. Strongtharm, peering at her, misdoubting that she jested. But Ruth's face told its own tale.

He would probably have praised all art which expresses noble and spiritual ideas, while misdoubting representations of sensuous beauty. The second criticismthat Buddhists are prone to corrupt their faithis just, for their courteous acquiescence in other creeds enfeebles and denaturalizes their own.

'Take care, Ellen! answered Isabella, her eyes sparkling irefully; there was no misdoubting by their expression the full success of her partner's endeavours to make himself detested. 'Don't put faith in a single word he speaks. He's a lying fiend! a monster, and not a human being! I've been told I might leave him before; and I've made the attempt, but I dare not repeat it!

But Master Foster misdoubting some danger secretly gaue speech that he was doubtfull of these men what their intent was; neuerthelesse he sayd nothing, nor seemed in any outward wise to mistrust them at all.

Then I went to sleep by her side, but refrained from her and was ashamed to kiss her on the mouth, deeming that thou hadst sent her to me, with intent to tempt me with her and incline me to marriage, and misdoubting thee to be hidden somewhere whence thou couldst see what I did with her.

So they marvelled, and drew their swords, and held them still awhile, misdoubting if this were perchance some terrible monster of the waste; but whereas the thing moved not at all, they plucked up heart and fared on.

'My good man, what are you fishing for? 'A land-agent, answered Isaac Walton. 'A land-agent? repeated the rector, misdoubting his ears. The saturnine angler made no answer. 'And has a gentleman been drowned here? he persisted. The man only looked at him across the stream, and nodded. 'Eh! and his name, pray? 'Old Nutter, of the Mills, he replied.