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When I looked up, on leaving his arms, there stood the widow, pale, grave, and amazed. I only smiled at her, and ran upstairs. "Explanation will do for another time," thought I. Still, when I reached my chamber, I felt a pang at the idea she should even temporarily misconstrue what she had seen.

"H'm! well, I wouldn't see too much of them if I were you." "No? but why?" "Well, never mind only I thought I'd tell you;" and Lillyston, half-ashamed at having taken this step, and half-afraid that Julian might misconstrue it, ran away.

To their chagrin, however, not a solitary Blackfoot was visible. Despite the watchfulness of the white men, the entire Indian force had withdrawn during the night without arousing the least suspicion on the part of the watchers. But the trappers were too wise to misconstrue the action of the Blackfeet.

He was free from the foibles of petty vanity upon which a dexterous counsel could play, and had the solid, downright force of mind and character which gives weight to authority of all kinds. I need not labour to prove that masculine common sense is a good judicial quality. Popular opinion, however, is apt to misconstrue broad epithets and to confound vigour with harshness.

But if we afflict ourselves, on the supposition that he was the sufferer; we misconstrue an event, which to him was certainly a very happy one. If Hortensius was now living, he would probably regret many other advantages in common with his worthy fellow-citizens.

The late accession to his flock had decidedly raised his spirits: he knew how materially it would strengthen his hands; but, independently of all politic consideration, Cecil's grace and beauty exercised a powerful influence over him. Do not misconstrue this.

A very old waiter, with white side whiskers like those of the late Emperor Franz Josef, very foreign and therefore particularly liable to misconstrue Gaga's stammered orders, served them with hors d'oeuvres, slashing down upon Sally's plate inconceivable mixtures of white and red and green fragments; and then hurried away as fast as his bunions allowed.

"Pleasant anticipations you should say," chimed in the irrepressible Josie. "Miss Jordan, please do not misconstrue Madge's words, you saucy girl!" retorted Helen, tapping her toes upon the stool near, by way of calling the other to order. A brilliant description of a ball at the Government House then followed, also several parties and other indoor amusements.

"Mr. Store-keeper," she commenced again. I felt like tearing my hair and crying aloud. "Mr. Store-keeper," forsooth. "You appear anxious to misconstrue me. Let me explain, please." I bowed contritely. What else could I do? "This afternoon, I have a piano, boxed, coming by the steamer Siwash. I would like if you could find me some assistance to get it ashore and placed in my house."

It is difficult to conceive the obtuseness of intellect necessary to misconstrue so obvious a piece of mock petulance and dry humor into an instance of mortified vanity and jealous self-conceit. Goldsmith jealous of the admiration of a group of gay officers for the charms of two beautiful young women!