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The only thing approaching an adventure that day happened in the afternoon when we reached a creek which had to be crossed. "We must investigate," said Kate decidedly. "It would never do to risk getting mired here, for this country is unsettled and we must be twenty miles from another human being."

It would be rash, however, to infer from such data that these quadrupeds were mired in MODERN times, unless we use that term strictly in a geological sense.

We'll have a specialist, and you must not get mired till then. Steady, Chief." "Chief! Chief!" murmured Ingolby. "Dear God, what a chief! I risked everything, and I've lost everything by my own vanity. Barbazon's the horseshoe among the wolves, just to show I could do things better than any one else as if I had the patent for setting the world right. And now now "

He was irate, but not at all alarmed; and presently the welcome clatter of steps approached, and in dashed the whole crew, mired up to the eyes, but in as towering spirits as ever.

Campbell overtook the smuggler, but just as he ranged alongside the policeman's horse stumbled and fell, Campbell, leaping off as the horse fell and grabbing at the halter of Berube's horse, but failing to hold him owing to the speed. Berube again threatened the riddling process, but the constables chased him to a slough, where the smuggler's horse got mired, but Berube tried to lead him out.

I watched him as he began to arrange them leisurely and untie their many strings. "No, not a story," said Jud, as he worked, "but just the logical disclosures in the case of me and that pink-eyed snoozer from Mired Mule Canada and Miss Willella Learight. I don't mind telling you. "I was punching then for old Bill Toomey, on the San Miguel.

"Ha, ha!" said the man, dropping the bullying tone which he had assumed; "you are joking robbing! who talks of robbing? I wonder how my horse's knees are; not much hurt, I think only mired." The man, whoever he was, then got upon his horse; and, after moving him about a little, said, "Good- night, friend; where are you?" "Here I am," said I, "just behind you." "You are, are you? Take that."

They think there is some fakery about it, for their professors, books and experience have taught them otherwise. They consider the views of the natural healer unworthy of serious attention and often call him a quack, which epithet closes the discussion. They are ethical and do not wish to be mired by contact with quacks.

The voice of the Divine Herald, proceeding out of the throne of God, declareth: O ye My loved ones! Suffer not the hem of My sacred vesture to be smirched and mired with the things of this world, and follow not the promptings of your evil and corrupt desires. The Day Star of Divine Revelation, that shineth in the plenitude of its glory in the heaven of this Prison, beareth Me witness.

"What do you want of my 'always-wide-awake-contrariness'? I have half a mind not to help you out of your scrape; for of course you have mired somewhere. What is the matter now, Ned?" "Yes stuck hard and fast; so my dear little woman, don't you go back on your wedding-day promises, but just lend a helping hand. I don't know what is to be done with that poor young woman in No. 19.